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Women gymnastics , vault & floor exercise COP ( Olympics )

Vault Result -  1. Hong Un Jong (PRK) 2. Oksana Chusovitina (GER) 3. Cheng Fei (CHN) 4. Alicia Sacramone (USA) 5. Ariella Kaslin ( SUI ) 6. Carlotta Giovannini (ITA) 7. Jade Barbosa ( BRA) 8. Anna Pavlova (RUS) Hmm.. I felt sympathy for Alicia could not make medal for this because I thought she did better than Cheng Fei. Cheng Fei did good job in her first vault but in the second vault, she fell. And Alicia didnā€™t make a big mistake for both of them. It was hurt to see Alicia tears and disappointed. I would give Alicia over Cheng Fei for this. Also I felt bad for Anna Pavlova (RUS). The broadcast didnā€™t show her performances , and just showed only the scores and the scene Anna was talking with her coach with disappointed face. Seems like she started before the green light which showed ready sign was up and got a big deduction for it. And as a result she had disqualified for the second vault due to a false start. But it was great to see the 33 years old lady who i...

Women Gymnastics All-around, Nastia won !

This competition was pretty enjoyable to watch because I have some favorites and we were very excited during the time. I was rooting for Nastie Liukin for gold medal so it was very nice to see her win ! Seems like everyone thought Shawn Johnson will win for this competition before started and she was the favorite in the U.S.A. ?  Thatā€™s why only her fluff piece was shown ? My favorites are 1. Nastie Liukin (U.S.A.) 2. Ksennia Semenova ( RUS ) 3. Yang Yling and Yuang ( China ) Those three are my favorites ! I love those girls styles and also they are my type of looking, so it can also be my top three favorite beauty contest. I really love Russian girl Ksenia especially her floor exercise, she was the most musical in it so I was really hoping she will get silver, and Chinese girl Yang Yling for bronze. Nastie was amazing, she definitely deserved the gold medal ! She looked very nervous before started, but she was very strong and did excellent job for each subject, only i...

Women gymnastics Team competition ( Olympics 2008)

Itā€™s a shame that NBC broadcast showed only American and Chinese teams and didnā€™t show much for Russian and Romanian teams because I guess they were competing at the same time as Chinese and American teams. So I saw only one Romanian gymnast doing uneven bar. And right before the Romanian girl start , they showed Nadia Comaneci in the arena audience. Looked like she was with her son. (maybe ?) It was so nice to see Nadia supporting her own countryā€™s team there. She is still keeping her beautiful looking. Even though they showed only a few seconds, I thought she has impact and has charisma, very attractive and cool. I wanted them to show her more. They also showed two Russian gymnasts, Sennya and Anna. I thought , Sennya ā€™s face looks like a twin version of Tatiana Navka ( Russian ice dancer ) . Very pretty ! She did good job, however was nothing special for her style and movements. My favorite so far is Nastia Liukin from the U.S.A. She is great ! When I saw two of her p...

My Favorite Olympics subjects

Olympics Beijing is now showing up !  The opening ceremony was just amazing ! Ray and I enjoyed every moment in it. In some parts when huge fire works were up, it reminds me of Alfeeā€™s summer live events. Iā€™ve heard that it was a Chinese top movie director who produced those settings. I especially loved, a Chinese girl dancing on a cloth , below many guys were lifting her. And also a Chinese lady who was doing Tai chi , her movements were like a water, and so elegant. I usually didnā€™t watch Olympics opening ceremonies or I donā€™t remember much about that and only watching my favorite subjects without checking schedule. But I believe this may be the most wonderful opening ceremony. Kudos to Chinese people ! Iā€™ve read that at a cost of over $US 370 million in front of 80 world leaders and a worldwide audience of four billion !!! China was determined to prove that it could stage the greatest show on earth. And seems like around 10,000 performers were taking par...

Johnny closed his Myspace

According to Johnny, he has been receiving alarming amount of hateful threatening letters through his myspace. He had opened it as a way to be closer to his fans and friends about a year and a half ago. Itā€™s also hard to continue in his limited time to personally log on to MySpace so he decided to close his myspace. Itā€™s so sad and a shame to hear about it. I joined my myspace because Johnny started it. Iā€™m trying not to get angry for people who has been bothering him, sending such a threatening letters. In internet, people can be mean when they have no responsibility for their ID. So many idiots get behind a computer screen and get brave and think it's funny to threaten and insult people. I donā€™t know what kind of threaten messages he has been receiving. But itā€™s a crime. I wonder if he told Police about it with all those proof of threats he received ? But he also need to focus on his goal, and he may not want to think about it anymore. Even though he closed his myspace, t...

Hanging around

Ray and I were hanging around a shopping mall yesterday. Since my work is desk work and it's easy to spend a time whole day at a computer, I needed some exercise for my health. On the way to the shopping mall, we stopped at Wendy's for our lunch. Even though I know fast foods are not good for health, I sometimes love to eat those foods. Unlike Japan, we can see all the ages people at this fast foods store. In Japan, only young people are loving to eat junk foods and senior people are not liking oily foods and meats. I remember that when first Mac Donald chain store was opened in Tokyo, I was about 12 years old.  It was very interesting to see those foods in CM on TV. Especially , French fry ! My parents said it's kind of like a snack , and not real meals. My parents had never eaten those foods. They loved only traditional Japanese foods. I'm already getting used to seeing American foods , but I still remember that American Hamburgers are bigger than...

My birthday

Yesterday ( July 17 ) was my 45 years birthday.  Usually, Iā€™m not so a big fan of doing something special for my birthday, same as other holidays and national holidays. But suddenly I really felt wanting to eat sushi or chirashi sushi yesterday and Ray found a great Japanese restaurant for me and made a reservation for our dinner. Before we took action, we are already careful to choose things to avoid to get disappointed later, and we started checking reviews of all Tucson Japanese restaurants. And we went to one of the best reviewed restaurant ā€œ Sushi on Oracle ā€œ , because itā€™s the nearest place from our home. Itā€™s a small Japanese restaurant, but the food was much more delicious than I expected.  Surely it was the most delicious Japanese restaurant Iā€™ve ever been in the U.S.A. The staff there ( Sushi on Oracle ) were friendly and polite. We ordered egg roll , a gedashi Tofu , as appetizer, and for main dishes, Chirashi sushi for me, and Teriyaki beef for Ray. ...