Johnny’s documentary movie “ Be good Johnny Weir” episode #1 was on Sundance Channel last Monday, on January 18. Also episode #2 was on January 25.
After getting the information, we were applying the new package which include Sundance channel at Comcast a few days before Monday.
The movie was fantastic and already watched several times !
What’s so wonderful about it is because it’s about my favorite skater’s documentary.
I can enjoy Johnny even when he’s just crossing the ice. I don’t know why but I just love how moves on ice.
Beginning part of his mimicking was already up in trailer, but still it was hilarious to watch, we laughed a lot.
And also the hotel maid who is a figure skating fan started preaching to him about how to relax and not be nervous, this scene cracked us up.
Especially Johnny’s reaction, patiently listening , nodding, politely. LOL.
What she was telling him is good advice though, it’s just hilarious to see she’s trying to teach one of the top skaters in the world , who has been competing long time, as if he doesn’t know about it.
If it’s so easy to do it by just telling about it, all the skaters can win at Olympics.
Johnny’s life, 3 hours a day, 5 days a week is on a giant ice cube. Now I don’t know his hours since he moved to Galina team.
There was a scene which showed his beautiful triple jumps many times. There was also his struggle depending on the day.
It’s very interesting to know things which I didn’t know about the behind the scene.
In the bad day, even such a talented skater can not jump every time he tried.
I have no wonder that in the competition, there must be good day, and bad day, depending on their conditions including their mind.
We just judge skater’s level by seeing only the competitions. Many people think because it’s no meaning if skaters can not show his talent in the competition. But the psychology of it all, it’s often ignored.
Johnny’s roller coaster skating career is quite dramatic. Some may think he is acting like a drama queen.
But in my view, he is natural, that‘s him. He doesn’t care the image what others think. When he wants to cry, he cry.
Losing National title may not really so depressing thing for some skaters.
Or some may easy to move on right after they lost.
Or they just don’t show their sadness and depression. When Evan Lysacek lost his Nationals title, there was no drama. He just looked disappointed at K&C.
If I was Johnny’s situation, I might not be showing my disappointment. Why ? maybe because I care the image.
Which is not honest to my feeling.
So I do adore his pure personality.
Especially during 2006 - 2007 season, after Torino Olympics, he had received so many hateful mails, threats besides death threats from crazy people.
He is original and innocent , that’s why Ray and I are interested in besides his skating but many people just can not understand why he is doing, why he doesn’t act like many other skaters.
They have the image of skaters or person who they think people should be, or should not be based of their own belief.
It was also nice to see Johnny’s training scene with his Child of Nazareth program.
His struggle for the program. I actually really loved that program. I also realized that the Child of Nazareth program had story-telling choreography which has more impact and this is why I barely even notice it’s competition program , it’s almost like an exhibition, when compared with his " Love is war" program which is also shown in it later.
I also noticed that Johnny’s skating has changed since he moved to Galina team from his previous long time coach Pricilla Hills, besides programs.
Since 2007-2008, His programs became more competition program which looks more of sports rather than art.
He has beautiful line of movements every details, so no matter the choreography, I can always enjoy his skating.
However, when I compared with his past programs such as Rondo, Otonal, Valse, Dr.Zhivago, The Swan, Child of Nazareth, it’s really different.
Just because it’s based on the judging system COP ?
But his old programs had many transitions. I wonder why Galina team made that way ?
His 2007-2008 was quite successful with those programs. But since 2008 -
2010, Judges started to be more strict for transition.
When I checked his past competition scores, he had been getting high transitions, especially his Otonal and The Swan.
Johnny’s jumps also has changed since he started working with Galina team.
Although I really loved his jumps during 2007-2008. He added artistic arm pose when landing.
But when I compared with his old style, it was just breathtakingly beautiful, his smooth landing forever with beautiful landing pose.
His jumps itself was art. Part of artistry in the program.
He got more muscle since he started working with Galina team.
He also mentioned that his thigh became even more muscle for doing level 4 spins.
No one knows the fact, but I wonder if his body changes might causing for his changed jumps.
His quad combination jumps 4-3-2 looked effortless during practice at Torino Olympics.
I also saw his quad combination jumps in the different event at practice which also looked effortless.
But when he did quad at Nationals 2008, it looked different. That’s Galina teams way of jump ??
Johnny and his best friend Paris Childer’s scene was interesting and funny.
I think Paris is a good model, his expression & pose are great, with sense of humor.
He is creative and unique same as Johnny. Johnny said they are like marriage couple without sex.
I feel he was lucky to find a friend who is similar with opposite personality, who is very supportive to him.
Personally, I feel I’m glad he has such a close good friend who he can trust.
Johnny looks very caring person who he loves, and even though Paris is one year older than Johnny, Johnny looks like his older brother.
Another funny scene which cracked us up was Johnny’s look on his face especially his eyes when Evan Lysacek was answering at press conference after winning his first Nationals title.
At that time we both were so depressed and got heartbroken and got stomachaches whole week, so it was nothing funny for the press conference.
But now when we saw Johnny’s face with fed up eyes while Evan talked “ actually I was doing better performance during practice. “ or something like that.
Lysacek might be just honestly talked about his practice, but when thinking from Johnny‘s side, with so many struggles with his training for jumps in the season, it’s nothing funny.
But it had humor when we saw it in the movie.
For the scene of Johnny and his previous long time coach Priscilla Hills’,
My first impression of Johnny to Priscilla was he looked cool to Priscilla.
It’s kind of like a son to a caring mother. But Johnny’s attitude to his real mother Patti is something different.
Sometimes I was confused he loves Priscilla or not, because what he always said about her is always sweet, but his attitude to her didn’t show much, while I could see his love for his real mother Patti.
But I could really see Priscilla really love Johnny, his skating and his talent.
It was sad he felt he need to leave Priscilla.
What I felt was his skating also changed since he started working with Galina team.
Actually he had been performing good transition and receiving high transition scores while he was with Priscilla.
His Otonal performance received the highest transition in the top 3 in all the past record ( Now I don’t know, since it changed every competition. And also the scores are getting higher and higher than past.)
Johnny’s beautiful lines and movements are not changed but looked even more polished.
His landing also beautifully artistic in a different way from while he was with Priscilla.
Just since last season, his landing had something changed.
The scene when Priscilla asked Johnny to have a meeting after World 2007, at the dressing room (?) made me sad.
He looked like he doesn’t know what to say to her, because he already made a decision of changes, leave to a new coach.
Johnny sounded very emotional and supportive for Priscilla when they broke up, and was upset at many insensitive comments about Priscilla which they knew nothing about.
He surely love Priscilla and care for her, but I still think his attitude in public looks cool to her.
I love every part of this movie. Ray also said the same things.
I think he has natural star talent, which makes people curiosity and has big impact. Some hate him, some love him. But I love him being himself.
People have their own ideal image of person, and when it’s not fit with their image, they started criticize him, or start hating him.
For me, he is an innocent, honest, sweet lovely person who is original. Plus witty.