It was very shocking to hear about the Huge earthquake that hit the Middle Kyushu, Japan, mainly Kumamoto area on April 14 and 16. and small earthquakes have still been continuing.
Huge one happened twice within a short time. and first one was magnitude 6.4 , earthquake, and the second one was magnitude 7.3, with an intensity on the Japanese scale of 7.
According to the news, nearly 1,200 houses had been destroyed. and after 1 week past, 48 people died from it.
and while people were taking refuge in shelters, there were 11 people who died from their injuries from the earthquake. Over 1,310 got serious injury.
In the present, about 81,253 people are in shelter in all the areas that got damaged by the earthquake. and many people who could not be in the shelter centers are staying outside.
and also recently, almost same week as Japan, Ecuador was hit by 7.8 magnitude earthquake last week and 646 died and around 12,500 people were injured and left 130 missing along the country's ravaged Pacific coast.
A few months ago, Taiwan was hit by a huge earthquake.
Nature disaster is out of our control, this is why it's one of the most scary things while living.
No one can know when and where it happens.
The biggest earthquake I experienced was about magnitude 5.0ļ½6.5.
When I was a child and living on the 10th floor, I felt the shaking was bigger, and water of the aquarium which had some tropical fishes started spiling out so my brother and I were trying to hold it.
But never experienced such a huge earthquake which destroyed so many buildings and made so many victims from it.
What do they need the most ?
I've read and heard that people who experienced such a nature disaster , and what they want us to do is to send money rather than sympathy and worrying about them.
Warm words which can make them feel better are helpful as well.
According to the spiritual law of the universe, frequency level is everything.
No matter what's happening outside of the world, it's illusion, so it's good to pay attention for inside.
In that kind of situation, negativity is everywhere, and it's easy to think about what they do not wish from worry.
but that kind of energy can attract another negativity.
So it's very important to imagine and think about what do you prefer rather than what you do not want to happen.
Sending worry & sympathy energy which makes them even more worry about their situation is a heavy low frequency energy.
Ask to the universe what they wish with your energy, which is not heavy frequency level, often works.
Wishing all the victims of earthquakes to have everything they need and wish for.
Websites for Nature disaster Donation