I’m already getting used to live in Arizona where it is very dry. When we moved here, I had a skin problem and got itchy skin from the dry weather.
Maybe because the place I used live was Missouri , and it was more humid than Arizona.
I really loved Missouri ’s weather and my skin condition at that time might be the best while living there.
The worst place might be my hometown, Tokyo since I often got skin allergy in winter season every year and sometime had pimples on my face.
I fixed this issue by taking some herbs in Arizona.
It was interesting because when we traveled to Italy, we both got skin itchy everywhere , and even we came back from Italy, we were still having the problem and solved it by herbs.
Because Italy is much more humid than here. Maybe we are living in the most dry place in the USA. And I may get this problem anywhere where is more humid than our place whenever we go on a trip.
I suppose that my skin has been already made up to live in very dry place.
BTW, I found a new natural skin care which is good for anti-skin aging again !
What is it ?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil !
Yesterday, I was testing this , putting the pure extra virgin olive oil on my face before going to sleep and this morning, I found my skin looks something different. More smooth, and cleared up and moisture.
Seems like extra virgin olive oil has been used since 5000 years ago by Egyptians and also other cultures Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans.
I only knew about Cleopatra was taking milk bath and rose bath and keeping her beauty. But didn’t know much about extra virgin olive oil was known as one of ancient natural beauty skin care.
There are many ways to care our skin using the extra virgin olive oil.
It’s very beneficial to use as moisturizer, Simply put a table spoon of pure extra virgin olive oil on skin where its dry.
I often thought neck and hands are the most show their ages, so I also put it on those area.
It’s also used as a mask, mix extra virgin olive oil with an egg yolk and some honey.
So also tried it , with this mixture over my face and leave it on for fifteen minutes. Rinse with water which is not too cold.
This may be so far my favorite skin care.
Also I will try olive oil bath for whole my body.
And also mixture of Extra virgin olive oli, vinegar and water (1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup vinegar, & 1/4 cup water ) as a night cream.
I've read about that the olive oil softens and moisturizes and the vinegar lightens discolorations, kills bacteria and loosens dead skin cells.
This sounds really great ! Maybe I will try this tonight .
Seems like the key is always choosing “ Extra virgin “ olive oil, not other olive oil.
While I was trying it, it reminds me of my dancing teacher was saying that “ I use only Olive oil and sesame oil for cooking. “
Her skin was beautiful, especially at her age ( 54 at that time ), I always thought she is beautifully growing, not childish looking but elegantly, keeping her skin beauty and her body shape.
I asked her what kind of skin care she is doing. And she told me that she is using her own cosmetic which she made by herself with mixture of glycerin and something natural … I don’t remember clearly, but I was impressed by her beauty care including her foods life.
It’s usually easy to find ladies who look younger than their ages until becoming 40. But after becoming 45, I found there is big difference depending on the person.
Mentally, people who always having stress, or having difficult time look older than their ages.
Also, people who often get sun tan looks old, especially after becoming 35 it shows more.
For food life, I found that too much care for healthy low calories foods also make people look old. Good to eat protein and the key is always balance between carb and protein.
Too skinny or too fat make people look older than their ages, too.
Seems like human is made up to get up in the morning and go to sleep at night. But if human don’t have this habit in their life, like going to sleep in the morning , get up at afternoon,it’s not balancing and easy to get sick.
Insomnia makes people look older, too and it mostly comes from stress.
So, I think those are the keys to stay young.
1. Having stress free life
2. Having well-balanced foods life.
3. Natural skin care
4. Do exercise ( such as dance, yoga, tai chi, walking, sports )
5. Protect skin from sun
We can sort more details each point.