Johnny’s live twitter chat was held through @Bluefly_com for the Closet Confession premiere from Noon to 1:00OM EST on June 29.
Johnny’s closet confession video and his favorite Bluefly pieces are in the links below,
Johnny's closet confession video
His favorite Bluefly pieces
I also joined the chat during this time and would like to say thank you to and Johnny for doing this and answering one of my questions.
He answered many questions ( 107 questions !!! ) from his fans during the time.
I tried to pick up all the questions and answers from it except for a few questions which I was unable to find.
If there were missing Q&A or if question and answer were not fit together, please let me know.
(I didn’t list all the usernames of twitters and picked up only questions and Johnny’s answers for easier reading.)
It was so much fun to read all the Q & A, and I thought many of his answers are hilarious and enjoyable and all of them are interesting to read for me, because it’s about Johnny or related to Johnny‘s interests.
Q1. Do you ever want kids? Maybe you haven't thought that far ahead... I know I have though! XD
Johnny : A little girl. Anastasia.
Q2. Are there any drugstore beauty products that you secretly adore? What are they?
Johnny : Olay Body wash for extra dry skin. White bottle, yellow top. I've used it for years
Q3. Do you planning to visit Slovakia someday? Slovakia is waiting for you! :)
Johnny : I went to SVK in 2008 and can't wait to come back.
Q4. How do you accessorize your Bosco? I can't decide what to wear with mine.
Johnny : I wear my Bosco Sport for sports or when I'm lounging. Accessorized with great red/qhite shoes.
Q5. Why'd you get bangs if you keep slicking them back at events? ):
Johnny : I use my bangs when needed.
Q6. How is Vanya doing? Is he going to come live with you or are you too busy?
Johnny : he's fat! but he's so happy. he is with the family for now because i'm so busy.
Q7. What is the most sinful food you'd like to eat right now?
Johnny : Cheesecake or chicken fingers with ranch.
Q8. I love Mr. Romanov. I meet him again?
Johnny : yes always. Viacheslav Romanov
Q9. Did you meet @Shaun_White at the Winter Olympics games?! :O
Johnny : yes, so red
Q10. Did you have fun at the GLAAD awards and meeting Adam Lambert?
Johnny : Adam was great, he invited me to his little party. He's a sweet guy
Q11. What night cream do you use?
Johnny : Cle de Peau "La Creme"
Q12. Must see movie for the summer?
Johnny : Burlesque
Q13. We have been tweeting to get you on Dancing with the stars - do you want that?
Johnny : Yes!
Q14. When you go back to your hometown do people mob you like they do elsewhere?
Johnny : No because they all ":know" me. :)
Johnny : I love orange juice and sourdough toast
Q16. Would you get a tattoo and where and what would it be
Johnny : I wouldn't get one, it's not my style. I like Nicole Richies wings on her foot.
Q17. How is Paris? Are you guys still friends? :)
Johnny : Paris is great, enjoying Jersey City. We're good, we're getting old but he's very skinny. I'm jealous.
Q18. Do you get together with men's single US national team members in private? what do u think about them?
Johnny : No. Of all the guys I'd say Adam Rippon is our future and he's the nicest of the bunch.
Q19. Will we ever see the rest of the MAC photos from your latest shoot? So far, they've been amazing.
Johnny : Yes in Japanese Mook Book.
Q20. Has BGJW been nominated for an Emmy (deserves!) & will you get to open the VMAs w/#DirtyLove? Thx! :)
Johnny : We sent in an episode for Emmy's, and we're working on VMAs
Q21. Do you really sleep with a stuffed panda?
Johnny : Yes his name is Ping
Q22. Are you going to put any more fun colors in your mullet? I liked the pink!
Johnny : Now it's blonde
Q23. Will you tell Brian Joubert to get a Twitter account?! You are friends, right? We need updates! :D
Johnny : Brian is very quiet and likes to keep to himself. But I'll push him
Q24. If Brian is quiet how come you're friends? Are you two complementary or are you secretly quiet too? ;D
Johnny : Secretly I'm quiet and bashful. Brian is great.
Q25. Do you think Jana K will really skate with Fedor Andreev? Should she?
Johnny : I have heard that they are training, and don't need to be ready until December for RN. She is great.
Johnny : Santino because he reminded me of Rasputin and had a fun voice
Q27. What will your last words be? (Sorry if that's creepy!)
Johnny : I love you. I hope.
Q28. Trying to lose 10 lbs, then what's the whipped cream for?
Johnny : I used to eat bowls of whipped cream as dessert if I needed it.
Q29. What do you do when (if) you have free time?
Johnny : I like exploring my city and cleaning. I also am obsessed with closet organizing.
Q30. Your skin is so good, how do you keep u use mask?
Johnny : wash twice daily and after exercise, sunscreen, moisturize with cle de peau, shu uemura mint spray.
Q31. Are you going to have another NYE party this year?
Johnny : I'd like to!
Johnny: Oh yes. Big tour, all over the world!
Q33. Have you read Harry Potter? Which house are you?
Johnny : Slytherin
Q34. If forced to choose between the mongoose or Abbott, if stranded on a desert island "Cast Away" style, who would you choose?
Johnny : Mongoose
Q35. Which other skater has the best style in your opinion?
Johnny : Jana Khokhlova
Q36. What's the funniest thing that's happened to you in the past week?
Johnny : I had lunch alone at the maritime hotel on Sunday and there were paparazzi outside, one fell.
Q37. What did you have for breakfast today?
Johnny : No breakfast. I'm trying to lose ten pounds
Q38. Did you get a chance to meet some of the 'big name' Olympians? Apolo Ohno? Shaun White? Lindsey Vonn?
Johnny : Yes I met a lot of people, but in general I wait for people to come to me.
Q39. Are you excited to see Stephane in Japan? And do you think he'll have a good career as a choreographer?
Johnny : Stephane is nice, I am more excited to see plush and Jana and Tomas
Q40. How much is your body fat percentage?
Johnny : Before Olympics it was in the 6s, but now I am afraid to know. I think I found cellulite.
Q41. What's your favorite episode of Glee?
Johnny : Anything when Kristin Chenowith is around! also "Hello"
Q42. Who is your favourite currently working ballet dancer?
Johnny : Kolya Tsikaridze
Q43. Who is your favorite vampire? :-)
Johnny : I look like a vampire, but I love me some RPat
Q44. How do you pick yourself back up when you've "fallen," so to speak? Any advice for others who have?
Johnny : I get stronger from falling, I punch ten times harder after I fail.
Q45. Will you appear in Glee sometimes? =))
Johnny : I would love to sing a duet with Jonathan Groff on Glee. Lancaster County Boys.
Q46. Are you really close with any of the non-American figure skaters? :)
Johnny : Ksusha Makarova is my baby sister. also close with Oda, Ando, Gedevanishvilli, Dytrt, Totmyanina
Q47. Are you really close with any of the non-American figure skaters? :)
Johnny : I'm not very close to my team. i feel friendliest with Joubert, Plush, Slutskaya, Uspenskiy.
Q48. If you could style anyone who would it be ?
Johnny : Evan Lysacek, just to put him in a sparkly onsie
Q49. Allo Johnny! If you were allowed a shopping spree anywhere in the world. Where would it be?
Johnny : Moscow for sure. So many interesting things you can't find anywhere. Tokyo, Seoul and Paris as well.
Q50. Do you own any Alexander McQueen pieces?
Johnny : I do. At Olys Holt Renfrew gave me special maple leaf McQueen scarf the day he passed. tragedy.
Q51. Who gives the best hugs in figure skating besides yourself ?
Johnny : Plushenko gives a good hug, Tarasova, Tchaikovskaya and Zmievskaya. Furry bossoms. Miki is good too
Q52. Which competition did you think do your best perform? and have best memory?
Johnny : Olympic Games 2010 and all of 2004-2005 season
Q53. Hi Johnny! What is your favorite song from Lady Gaga? :)
Johnny : Poker face and Teeth. Also Speechless.
Q54. So you and Galina have patched things up?
Johnny : Galina and I had a talk a few weeks ago. We both needed space to deal with Olys. We're great now.
Q55. Are you working with any choreographers on new show programs this year?
Johnny : I have asked David Wilson to help me, also I want to work something with Baryshnikov.
Q56. Who would you say are your biggest style influences?
Johnny : Karl Lagarfeld, Sergey Lazarev, Coco, Weather, Denis Simachev, my bff Christa.
Q57. Do you miss Pennsylvania at all? I live here and can't wait to get out!
Johnny : I want to build a house in Quarryville soon. PS Patti is selling her house in DE if anyone is interested.
Q58. Swear right now that when you do a book tour, you don't just hit the east and west coast.
Johnny : I promise I will MidWest it up.
Q59. Will there be a season 2 of Be Good Johnny Weir? We wait in anticipation!
Johnny : It's in the works :) YAY!
Q60. What would you say is your no.1 fav-must have-can't live without-accessory in your closet right now.
Johnny : Chanel calfskin bag.
Q61. What's your vote for the sexist vacuum cleaner? I go with Dyson hands down-I love me some balls- LOL
Johnny : Dyson Ball
Q62. Would you like to meet Sergey Lazarev..?
Johnny : Yes I want to skate while he sings. Lazarev is my favorite young male singer. Great style.
Q63. Who is your favorite painter ?
Johnny : Sergey Rimashevsky! Amazing
Q64. Have you booked your air tickets? when will you arrive in Beijing? Chinese Angels're welcoming you at airport.
Johnny : They are not booked yet, but very soon and we will let you know when I arrive. thank you for robot!
Q65. Give our regards to Galina Yakovlevna! From Russia with love:)
Johnny : She says Privet and Schastlivo.
Q66. Any hints about your new Niigata show program - maybe a 3-word description?
Johnny : Skate live with Japanese singers, and Poker Face. I wanted to do H'Broken but the organizer said PF.
Q67. What is your favorite fur? Is it wrong that I'm a Vegan...don't care, <3>
Johnny : I love Russian sable, and lynx.
Q68. Will you come to #chi ? :) Chile loves u ! btw... i sent you a present for your bday !
Johnny : I would love to come to Chile. I wish they had ice!
Q69. What is one thing you really want to say to Evan Lysacek?
Johnny : I have nothing to say to Evan Lysacek
Q70. Did you get a chance to buy those g.p. Leather leggings that you twittered about?
Johnny : I didn't! They ran out of my size by the time I went back to buy them. G.Pugh is small in USA.
Q71. What was inspiration for Black and Pink of Oly SP- I love you I hate you? Genius!!
Johnny : black hate, pink love, it was perfect!
Q72. Is your book going 2 be the 'bomb' you once promised, or a collection of anecdotes as stated by Gallery?
Johnny : I still don't have a title, but the book will be great. lot's of gossip and philosophy.
Johnny : I so respect anyone who has created light in a world of darkness. coco chanel, pushkin, nureyev...
Q74. What other language do you want to learn?
Johnny : I want to learn Japanese and Norwegian.
Q75. Favorite mall: garden state or short hills?
Johnny : GUM!
Q76. Please cross your fingers for Japan..xox
Q77. Money is tight on my end - what is one recommended, MUST HAVE item for a fashionable wardrobe?
Johnny : For a lady a great patent leather black heel, and red lipstick. For a man, pants that fit.
Q78. Are you and Galina on speaking terms again?
Johnny : I'm actually sitting in the rink now. Galina helped me this morning with a new show number special for JPN.
Q79. Can you tell me your vital statistics? and when will you go to China in your American time?
Johnny : I will come to China in September to perform. I was invited by Shen/Zhao. Very excited!!!
Q80. Who are your favorite skaters to perform with?
Johnny : I love to perform with Plushenko, Slutskaya, Yu na kim, Ando Miki, Oda, Ksenia Makarova, & Evan Bates.
Q81. You have shows in July in Niigata, Sun Valley and Lake Placid. What is planned for August?
Johnny : IN august I will have released my song, so I will shoot a video clip, and promote
Q82. What is your favorite Xtina song on Bionic?
Johnny : My favorite songs are Prima Donna and You Lost Me
Q83. Johnny, Can you ride a bicycle?
Johnny : I can ride a bicycle, but I prefer to drive. I don't like to sweat
Q84. My fear? That you'll retire Poker Face before I've seen you skate it live
Johnny : There has been so much demand for my poker face that it won't be retired for a long time.
Q85. How your personality changed from the past?
Johnny : I was very stupid publicly in the past, but now I am stupid and own it.
Q86. What do you usually like to do on long plane flights? I can never sleep so I just watch movies.
Johnny : I go insane on long flights. I read, play games on the TV, poke Tara when she passes out, meet the crew etc
Q87. Johnny, What do you want in an article of Chanel?
Johnny : I love anything Chanel really. it could be a bag to a moist towelette and I'd love it. CC Forever.
Q88. Do you have any tips for a beginning skater? I don't plan to ever compete, but it's fun so far :D
Johnny : Never be afraid of falling
Q89. What is the perfume that you like most now?
Johnny : I love Doir Homme's Bois d'argent and Moschino L'Uomo , also tom ford's "white suede"
Q90. I have clothes that don't fit cause I lost weight, but have sentimental attachment ! Ideas ?
Johnny : Get them tailored to fit you now!
Q91. Lady Gaga or Madonna?
Johnny : GAGA
Q92. What's your favorite program? (own)
Johnny : my favorite programs are swan, poker face, Heartbroken, Yunona and fallen angel.
Q93. Hi!! Johnny! Japan is now, it's Midnight! When you came to Japan, there is time for sightseeing?
Johnny : i will come straight to Niigata and then after shows spend a few days in Tokyo. I want to go to Harajuku.
Q94. Are you afraid of anything?!?
Johnny : I’m afraid of sharks, spiders, germs, bugs, barracuda, flying, dark, war and everyone wearing the same thing.
Q95. When could you announce the pair skating with Stephane?? I want to watch it in Niigata!! :* JSGJ
Johnny : Stephane doesn't want to skate with me. we both like to be the "flower" in the pair. he refuses.
Q96. You never mention we British, what do you think of us and England???
Johnny : I love England. I can't wait to come back. I tell everyone to learn English from a British person.
Q97. What mascara would you recommend?
Johnny : I recommend MAC's mascara, Dior Show and the new Givenchy mascara. the applicator is a ball!
Q98. Where did u get the gloves you wore on the blue carpet? Must have. Love you
Johnny : I got my gloves at Patricia Fields shop in NYC. it's in the bowery and called House of Venus.
Q99. Will u reveal to us someday what's your middle name? What's "G"? I'd like to know your secret name!
Johnny : I rarely reveal it, but I feel like I can tell you, my middle name is Garvin. I hate it!
Q100. Where are your favorite places to shop in NYC?
Johnny : In NYC I love Chanel in Soho, Jeffrey, Balenciaga, Barneys and pat fields house of Venus.
Q101. How long did it take for you to learn Russian? Are you considered fluent now?
Johnny : I wouldn't say I'm fluent, but I have very good knowledge. I can write, speak, read and comprehend Russian.
Q102. Your kittens tweet you many msgs do u get a chance to read them? love you!
Johnny : I don't always have time to read my tweets, but i try to update everyone by tweeting often
Q103. What ever happened to your pony- retired at home, or....? Thanks!
Johnny : He last I heard, my pony was in upstate Pennsylvania running around :)
Q104. What is your favorite Japanese food (including sweets)?
Johnny : My favorite Japanese food is Kobe beef. delicious
Q105. Hi!Johnny, How do you celebrate your 2nd 25th birthday? and I love your Balanciaga tree! ;)
Johnny : I will celebrate with my closest friends on Thursday in NYC then Friday I have mani/pedi party with Tara.
Q106. I am an only child, would you be my brother?
Johnny : yes I'd be happy to be your brother
Q107. Are you as beautiful as you usually are right now? Also, what you are wearing? ;)
Johnny : I am wearing leggings and an orange tank and skates. I am literally just off the ice.
Johnny’s last words at the chat.
“ Okay my kittens, thank you for spending time with me. I am off to pilates now! I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! “
So sweet as usual !
My favorites
"Q: Why'd you get bangs if you keep slicking them back at events? ):
Johnny : I use my bangs when needed. "
"Q: Trying to lose 10 lbs, then what's the whipped cream for?
Johnny : I used to eat bowls of whipped cream as dessert if I needed it. "
“when I needed”, “ If I needed “ lol.
Wonder that he can eat only Whipped cream ??
I love to put whipped cream on top for star bucks coffee frappucinno or pie , cake, coffee jelly but never thought to eat only whipped cream …
In "Be good Johnny Weir “ ‘s finale, there were three cans of whipped cream in his refrigerator, and it looked before Olympics. ( or no ?) He looked very thin during the time.
Maybe my guess, when he stressed out from his diet, he eats bowls of whipped cream like crazy. And then next day, he doesn’t eat much.
"Q: Is your book going 2 be the 'bomb' you once promised, or a collection of anecdotes as stated by Gallery?
Johnny : I still don't have a title, but the book will be great. lot's of gossip and philosophy. "
He was saying the title may be“ lies and dirt” or something like that several month ago but I guess he changed his mind. Lots of gossip ??
"Q: How your personality changed from the past?
Johnny : I was very stupid publicly in the past, but now I am stupid and own it."
LOL, you are very wise, Johnny. Only people who have confidence about themselves can say these kind of words. Love it.
"Q: What do you usually like to do on long plane flights? I can never sleep so I just watch movies.
Johnny : I go insane on long flights. I read, play games on the TV, poke Tara when she passes out, meet the crew etc "
LOL Poor Tara… LOL I don't know why but I really enjoy seeing and hearing Johnny & Tara's communication. ( so does my husband. ) Johnny's action to Tara sounds like my action to my husband.
"Q: What's your favorite program? (own)
Johnny : my favorite programs are swan, poker face, Heartbroken, Yunona and fallen angel Still his favorite is The swan program. "
He may be liking all the programs which were popular. I love his Rondo program the most, then Poker face. He never talked about Rondo.
"Q: Are you afraid of anything?!?
Johnny : I’m afraid of sharks, spiders, germs, bugs, barracuda, flying, dark, war and everyone wearing the same thing ."
Love this he is afraid of " everyone wearing the same thing."
Be unique and creative no matter what other people may think or say.
I disliked the fact that all my co-workers who were girls were all carrying Louis Vuitton handbags in the same department when I was working for a jewelry company in Japan.
Many girls /ladies had Similar trendy hair style, trendy fashion, trendy make-up with popular brand handbags. It’s comfortable for them to be the same as others ???
But I originally like Louis Vuitton handbags and wallets, because the quality is great. Just when I found several people were carrying same items as me, I was not comfortable to carry them anymore.
" Q: When could you announce the pair skating with Stephane?? I want to watch it in Niigata!! :* JSGJ
Johnny : Stephane doesn't want to skate with me. we both like to be the "flower" in the pair. he refuses."
Johnny is such a teaser. lol
To do throw jump, Johnny will be the person to be thrown, and Johnny does it beautifully, will get more attention than the person who throw, even though Stephane posed artistically after threw Johnny. Maybe Stephane didn’t like it ??
Both of them are popular. But in Japan, Johnny maybe more popular than Stephane. ( after hearing some stories )
I’ve seen Stephane Lambiel and Jeffrey Buttle skated together in one of the Japanese ice shows, but it was without throw jump, and it was not so impressive to me.
I guess Johnny might refuse Stephane’s idea ( if he had ),too. Because both want to be flowers. Lol
I’m hoping Johnny will pair with Sasha Cohen, but they are also both flowers. So I just have to give it up.
"Q: Who are your favorite skaters to perform with?
Johnny : I love to perform with Plushenko, Slutskaya, Yu na kim, Ando Miki, Oda, Ksenia Makarova, & Evan Bates. "
So when he do his own ice show in the future, these members will be in his list to invite for his ice show besides celebrities and circus ? Love it !
Q: Are you really close with any of the non-American figure skaters? :)
Johnny : Ksusha Makarova is my baby sister. also close with Oda, Ando, Gedevanishvilli, Dytrt, Totmyanina.
"Q: Will you tell Brian Joubert to get a Twitter account?! You are friends, right? We need updates! :D
Johnny : Brian is very quiet and likes to keep to himself. But I'll push him
Q: If Brian is quiet how come you're friends? Are you two complementary or are you secretly quiet too? ;D
Johnny : Secretly I'm quiet and bashful. Brian is great. "
I only knew he was close friends with Ksenia, Elene.G, Annette, and Tonmyanina, but Oda and Miki are new for me. But nice to know about it especially Miki. Because I really like her.
Miki loves shopping, fashion and her favorite brand sounds like it's Gucci. She also cares about her fans very much. I noticed that in Olympics, Miki was doing similar things as Johnny was doing before starting skating and also after they finished skating.
Later I've read in Miki's interview, she was saying the most impressive performance in men's competition ( Olympics ) was Johnny Weir's performance. She sad she wanted to perform like Johnny did, which touched people's heart and connected to audience.
She is very emotonal. I don't know why but when she won Worlds in 2007, her emoional expression at K&C made me cry. While I didn't get this kind of feeling for any of the other ladies skaters. Her tears look so real and very emotionally deep, so when she had to withdraw in World 2008, her emotional interview with Peter also made me tear. Miki looks social and friends with many skaters.
Oda looks fun, and funny and I like him,too. Also Plushy and Joubert.
Many of his fans were expecting Johnny & Stephane ‘s pair.
But I thought Johnny is not much care about it after reading some of his interviews and also what he said about Stephane when he was asked from his fan at his Russian fan’s meeting.
These two together on ice is wonderful to see, so it’s a shame.
But when both of them want to be a main flower, not yang & yin, it’s not balancing.
Personally, my image of main flower = Johnny
Johnny was saying in the interview that he was inspired by Joubert at Kings on ice show ( in Russia ).
Joubert sat Johnny down and told him about his result of Olympics and sounded like he was supportive to Johnny‘s performances.
Joubert looks honest, speaks to his mind, out spoken, nothing superficial same as Johnny.
I’ve seen Joubert was responded to his fans in his face book ( Russian FB) and my impression of him has been a sweet person. Johnny looked shy to people until becoming close friend.
He also said in one of the questions, he usually wait people to come. Does it mean Miki is social ??
My husband Ray is a huge fan of Miki Ando, and also Johnny, so he was delighted to read about it.
" Q: Hi!Johnny, How do you celebrate your 2nd 25th birthday? and I love your Balanciaga tree! ;)
Johnny : I will celebrate with my closest friends on Thursday in NYC then Friday I have mani/pedi party with Tara. "
Hope he will have a wonderful happy birthday with his friends and Tara !
Mani/pedi party with Tara ?? Lol Sounds fun !
I love his closet ! It's like a treasures room. I'm learning from him how to organize our closet. Also love that Louis Vuitton bag !
I like glitter and colorful, so Balensiaga bags may not my taste. I need silver or gold metallic in handbag. But Johnny looks good on them.
Johnny’s closet confession video and his favorite Bluefly pieces are in the links below,
Johnny's closet confession video

His favorite Bluefly pieces
I also joined the chat during this time and would like to say thank you to and Johnny for doing this and answering one of my questions.
He answered many questions ( 107 questions !!! ) from his fans during the time.
I tried to pick up all the questions and answers from it except for a few questions which I was unable to find.
If there were missing Q&A or if question and answer were not fit together, please let me know.
(I didn’t list all the usernames of twitters and picked up only questions and Johnny’s answers for easier reading.)
It was so much fun to read all the Q & A, and I thought many of his answers are hilarious and enjoyable and all of them are interesting to read for me, because it’s about Johnny or related to Johnny‘s interests.
Q1. Do you ever want kids? Maybe you haven't thought that far ahead... I know I have though! XD
Johnny : A little girl. Anastasia.
Q2. Are there any drugstore beauty products that you secretly adore? What are they?
Johnny : Olay Body wash for extra dry skin. White bottle, yellow top. I've used it for years
Q3. Do you planning to visit Slovakia someday? Slovakia is waiting for you! :)
Johnny : I went to SVK in 2008 and can't wait to come back.
Q4. How do you accessorize your Bosco? I can't decide what to wear with mine.
Johnny : I wear my Bosco Sport for sports or when I'm lounging. Accessorized with great red/qhite shoes.
Q5. Why'd you get bangs if you keep slicking them back at events? ):
Johnny : I use my bangs when needed.
Q6. How is Vanya doing? Is he going to come live with you or are you too busy?
Johnny : he's fat! but he's so happy. he is with the family for now because i'm so busy.
Q7. What is the most sinful food you'd like to eat right now?
Johnny : Cheesecake or chicken fingers with ranch.
Q8. I love Mr. Romanov. I meet him again?
Johnny : yes always. Viacheslav Romanov
Q9. Did you meet @Shaun_White at the Winter Olympics games?! :O
Johnny : yes, so red
Q10. Did you have fun at the GLAAD awards and meeting Adam Lambert?
Johnny : Adam was great, he invited me to his little party. He's a sweet guy
Q11. What night cream do you use?
Johnny : Cle de Peau "La Creme"
Q12. Must see movie for the summer?
Johnny : Burlesque
Q13. We have been tweeting to get you on Dancing with the stars - do you want that?
Johnny : Yes!
Q14. When you go back to your hometown do people mob you like they do elsewhere?
Johnny : No because they all ":know" me. :)
Johnny : I love orange juice and sourdough toast
Q16. Would you get a tattoo and where and what would it be
Johnny : I wouldn't get one, it's not my style. I like Nicole Richies wings on her foot.
Q17. How is Paris? Are you guys still friends? :)
Johnny : Paris is great, enjoying Jersey City. We're good, we're getting old but he's very skinny. I'm jealous.
Q18. Do you get together with men's single US national team members in private? what do u think about them?
Johnny : No. Of all the guys I'd say Adam Rippon is our future and he's the nicest of the bunch.
Q19. Will we ever see the rest of the MAC photos from your latest shoot? So far, they've been amazing.
Johnny : Yes in Japanese Mook Book.
Q20. Has BGJW been nominated for an Emmy (deserves!) & will you get to open the VMAs w/#DirtyLove? Thx! :)
Johnny : We sent in an episode for Emmy's, and we're working on VMAs
Q21. Do you really sleep with a stuffed panda?
Johnny : Yes his name is Ping
Q22. Are you going to put any more fun colors in your mullet? I liked the pink!
Johnny : Now it's blonde
Q23. Will you tell Brian Joubert to get a Twitter account?! You are friends, right? We need updates! :D
Johnny : Brian is very quiet and likes to keep to himself. But I'll push him
Q24. If Brian is quiet how come you're friends? Are you two complementary or are you secretly quiet too? ;D
Johnny : Secretly I'm quiet and bashful. Brian is great.
Q25. Do you think Jana K will really skate with Fedor Andreev? Should she?
Johnny : I have heard that they are training, and don't need to be ready until December for RN. She is great.
Johnny : Santino because he reminded me of Rasputin and had a fun voice
Q27. What will your last words be? (Sorry if that's creepy!)
Johnny : I love you. I hope.
Q28. Trying to lose 10 lbs, then what's the whipped cream for?
Johnny : I used to eat bowls of whipped cream as dessert if I needed it.
Q29. What do you do when (if) you have free time?
Johnny : I like exploring my city and cleaning. I also am obsessed with closet organizing.
Q30. Your skin is so good, how do you keep u use mask?
Johnny : wash twice daily and after exercise, sunscreen, moisturize with cle de peau, shu uemura mint spray.
Q31. Are you going to have another NYE party this year?
Johnny : I'd like to!
Johnny: Oh yes. Big tour, all over the world!
Q33. Have you read Harry Potter? Which house are you?
Johnny : Slytherin
Q34. If forced to choose between the mongoose or Abbott, if stranded on a desert island "Cast Away" style, who would you choose?
Johnny : Mongoose
Q35. Which other skater has the best style in your opinion?
Johnny : Jana Khokhlova
Q36. What's the funniest thing that's happened to you in the past week?
Johnny : I had lunch alone at the maritime hotel on Sunday and there were paparazzi outside, one fell.
Q37. What did you have for breakfast today?
Johnny : No breakfast. I'm trying to lose ten pounds
Q38. Did you get a chance to meet some of the 'big name' Olympians? Apolo Ohno? Shaun White? Lindsey Vonn?
Johnny : Yes I met a lot of people, but in general I wait for people to come to me.
Q39. Are you excited to see Stephane in Japan? And do you think he'll have a good career as a choreographer?
Johnny : Stephane is nice, I am more excited to see plush and Jana and Tomas
Q40. How much is your body fat percentage?
Johnny : Before Olympics it was in the 6s, but now I am afraid to know. I think I found cellulite.
Q41. What's your favorite episode of Glee?
Johnny : Anything when Kristin Chenowith is around! also "Hello"
Q42. Who is your favourite currently working ballet dancer?
Johnny : Kolya Tsikaridze
Q43. Who is your favorite vampire? :-)
Johnny : I look like a vampire, but I love me some RPat
Q44. How do you pick yourself back up when you've "fallen," so to speak? Any advice for others who have?
Johnny : I get stronger from falling, I punch ten times harder after I fail.
Q45. Will you appear in Glee sometimes? =))
Johnny : I would love to sing a duet with Jonathan Groff on Glee. Lancaster County Boys.
Q46. Are you really close with any of the non-American figure skaters? :)
Johnny : Ksusha Makarova is my baby sister. also close with Oda, Ando, Gedevanishvilli, Dytrt, Totmyanina
Q47. Are you really close with any of the non-American figure skaters? :)
Johnny : I'm not very close to my team. i feel friendliest with Joubert, Plush, Slutskaya, Uspenskiy.
Q48. If you could style anyone who would it be ?
Johnny : Evan Lysacek, just to put him in a sparkly onsie
Q49. Allo Johnny! If you were allowed a shopping spree anywhere in the world. Where would it be?
Johnny : Moscow for sure. So many interesting things you can't find anywhere. Tokyo, Seoul and Paris as well.
Q50. Do you own any Alexander McQueen pieces?
Johnny : I do. At Olys Holt Renfrew gave me special maple leaf McQueen scarf the day he passed. tragedy.
Q51. Who gives the best hugs in figure skating besides yourself ?
Johnny : Plushenko gives a good hug, Tarasova, Tchaikovskaya and Zmievskaya. Furry bossoms. Miki is good too
Q52. Which competition did you think do your best perform? and have best memory?
Johnny : Olympic Games 2010 and all of 2004-2005 season
Q53. Hi Johnny! What is your favorite song from Lady Gaga? :)
Johnny : Poker face and Teeth. Also Speechless.
Q54. So you and Galina have patched things up?
Johnny : Galina and I had a talk a few weeks ago. We both needed space to deal with Olys. We're great now.
Q55. Are you working with any choreographers on new show programs this year?
Johnny : I have asked David Wilson to help me, also I want to work something with Baryshnikov.
Q56. Who would you say are your biggest style influences?
Johnny : Karl Lagarfeld, Sergey Lazarev, Coco, Weather, Denis Simachev, my bff Christa.
Q57. Do you miss Pennsylvania at all? I live here and can't wait to get out!
Johnny : I want to build a house in Quarryville soon. PS Patti is selling her house in DE if anyone is interested.
Q58. Swear right now that when you do a book tour, you don't just hit the east and west coast.
Johnny : I promise I will MidWest it up.
Q59. Will there be a season 2 of Be Good Johnny Weir? We wait in anticipation!
Johnny : It's in the works :) YAY!
Q60. What would you say is your no.1 fav-must have-can't live without-accessory in your closet right now.
Johnny : Chanel calfskin bag.
Q61. What's your vote for the sexist vacuum cleaner? I go with Dyson hands down-I love me some balls- LOL
Johnny : Dyson Ball
Q62. Would you like to meet Sergey Lazarev..?
Johnny : Yes I want to skate while he sings. Lazarev is my favorite young male singer. Great style.
Q63. Who is your favorite painter ?
Johnny : Sergey Rimashevsky! Amazing
Q64. Have you booked your air tickets? when will you arrive in Beijing? Chinese Angels're welcoming you at airport.
Johnny : They are not booked yet, but very soon and we will let you know when I arrive. thank you for robot!
Q65. Give our regards to Galina Yakovlevna! From Russia with love:)
Johnny : She says Privet and Schastlivo.
Q66. Any hints about your new Niigata show program - maybe a 3-word description?
Johnny : Skate live with Japanese singers, and Poker Face. I wanted to do H'Broken but the organizer said PF.
Q67. What is your favorite fur? Is it wrong that I'm a Vegan...don't care, <3>
Johnny : I love Russian sable, and lynx.
Q68. Will you come to #chi ? :) Chile loves u ! btw... i sent you a present for your bday !
Johnny : I would love to come to Chile. I wish they had ice!
Q69. What is one thing you really want to say to Evan Lysacek?
Johnny : I have nothing to say to Evan Lysacek
Q70. Did you get a chance to buy those g.p. Leather leggings that you twittered about?
Johnny : I didn't! They ran out of my size by the time I went back to buy them. G.Pugh is small in USA.
Q71. What was inspiration for Black and Pink of Oly SP- I love you I hate you? Genius!!
Johnny : black hate, pink love, it was perfect!
Q72. Is your book going 2 be the 'bomb' you once promised, or a collection of anecdotes as stated by Gallery?
Johnny : I still don't have a title, but the book will be great. lot's of gossip and philosophy.
Johnny : I so respect anyone who has created light in a world of darkness. coco chanel, pushkin, nureyev...
Q74. What other language do you want to learn?
Johnny : I want to learn Japanese and Norwegian.
Q75. Favorite mall: garden state or short hills?
Johnny : GUM!
Q76. Please cross your fingers for Japan..xox
Q77. Money is tight on my end - what is one recommended, MUST HAVE item for a fashionable wardrobe?
Johnny : For a lady a great patent leather black heel, and red lipstick. For a man, pants that fit.
Q78. Are you and Galina on speaking terms again?
Johnny : I'm actually sitting in the rink now. Galina helped me this morning with a new show number special for JPN.
Q79. Can you tell me your vital statistics? and when will you go to China in your American time?
Johnny : I will come to China in September to perform. I was invited by Shen/Zhao. Very excited!!!
Q80. Who are your favorite skaters to perform with?
Johnny : I love to perform with Plushenko, Slutskaya, Yu na kim, Ando Miki, Oda, Ksenia Makarova, & Evan Bates.
Q81. You have shows in July in Niigata, Sun Valley and Lake Placid. What is planned for August?
Johnny : IN august I will have released my song, so I will shoot a video clip, and promote
Q82. What is your favorite Xtina song on Bionic?
Johnny : My favorite songs are Prima Donna and You Lost Me
Q83. Johnny, Can you ride a bicycle?
Johnny : I can ride a bicycle, but I prefer to drive. I don't like to sweat
Q84. My fear? That you'll retire Poker Face before I've seen you skate it live
Johnny : There has been so much demand for my poker face that it won't be retired for a long time.
Q85. How your personality changed from the past?
Johnny : I was very stupid publicly in the past, but now I am stupid and own it.
Q86. What do you usually like to do on long plane flights? I can never sleep so I just watch movies.
Johnny : I go insane on long flights. I read, play games on the TV, poke Tara when she passes out, meet the crew etc
Q87. Johnny, What do you want in an article of Chanel?
Johnny : I love anything Chanel really. it could be a bag to a moist towelette and I'd love it. CC Forever.
Q88. Do you have any tips for a beginning skater? I don't plan to ever compete, but it's fun so far :D
Johnny : Never be afraid of falling
Q89. What is the perfume that you like most now?
Johnny : I love Doir Homme's Bois d'argent and Moschino L'Uomo , also tom ford's "white suede"
Q90. I have clothes that don't fit cause I lost weight, but have sentimental attachment ! Ideas ?
Johnny : Get them tailored to fit you now!
Q91. Lady Gaga or Madonna?
Johnny : GAGA
Q92. What's your favorite program? (own)
Johnny : my favorite programs are swan, poker face, Heartbroken, Yunona and fallen angel.
Q93. Hi!! Johnny! Japan is now, it's Midnight! When you came to Japan, there is time for sightseeing?
Johnny : i will come straight to Niigata and then after shows spend a few days in Tokyo. I want to go to Harajuku.
Q94. Are you afraid of anything?!?
Johnny : I’m afraid of sharks, spiders, germs, bugs, barracuda, flying, dark, war and everyone wearing the same thing.
Q95. When could you announce the pair skating with Stephane?? I want to watch it in Niigata!! :* JSGJ
Johnny : Stephane doesn't want to skate with me. we both like to be the "flower" in the pair. he refuses.
Q96. You never mention we British, what do you think of us and England???
Johnny : I love England. I can't wait to come back. I tell everyone to learn English from a British person.
Q97. What mascara would you recommend?
Johnny : I recommend MAC's mascara, Dior Show and the new Givenchy mascara. the applicator is a ball!
Q98. Where did u get the gloves you wore on the blue carpet? Must have. Love you
Johnny : I got my gloves at Patricia Fields shop in NYC. it's in the bowery and called House of Venus.
Q99. Will u reveal to us someday what's your middle name? What's "G"? I'd like to know your secret name!
Johnny : I rarely reveal it, but I feel like I can tell you, my middle name is Garvin. I hate it!
Q100. Where are your favorite places to shop in NYC?
Johnny : In NYC I love Chanel in Soho, Jeffrey, Balenciaga, Barneys and pat fields house of Venus.
Q101. How long did it take for you to learn Russian? Are you considered fluent now?
Johnny : I wouldn't say I'm fluent, but I have very good knowledge. I can write, speak, read and comprehend Russian.
Q102. Your kittens tweet you many msgs do u get a chance to read them? love you!
Johnny : I don't always have time to read my tweets, but i try to update everyone by tweeting often
Q103. What ever happened to your pony- retired at home, or....? Thanks!
Johnny : He last I heard, my pony was in upstate Pennsylvania running around :)
Q104. What is your favorite Japanese food (including sweets)?
Johnny : My favorite Japanese food is Kobe beef. delicious
Q105. Hi!Johnny, How do you celebrate your 2nd 25th birthday? and I love your Balanciaga tree! ;)
Johnny : I will celebrate with my closest friends on Thursday in NYC then Friday I have mani/pedi party with Tara.
Q106. I am an only child, would you be my brother?
Johnny : yes I'd be happy to be your brother
Q107. Are you as beautiful as you usually are right now? Also, what you are wearing? ;)
Johnny : I am wearing leggings and an orange tank and skates. I am literally just off the ice.
Johnny’s last words at the chat.
“ Okay my kittens, thank you for spending time with me. I am off to pilates now! I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! “
So sweet as usual !
My favorites
"Q: Why'd you get bangs if you keep slicking them back at events? ):
Johnny : I use my bangs when needed. "
"Q: Trying to lose 10 lbs, then what's the whipped cream for?
Johnny : I used to eat bowls of whipped cream as dessert if I needed it. "
“when I needed”, “ If I needed “ lol.
Wonder that he can eat only Whipped cream ??
I love to put whipped cream on top for star bucks coffee frappucinno or pie , cake, coffee jelly but never thought to eat only whipped cream …
In "Be good Johnny Weir “ ‘s finale, there were three cans of whipped cream in his refrigerator, and it looked before Olympics. ( or no ?) He looked very thin during the time.
Maybe my guess, when he stressed out from his diet, he eats bowls of whipped cream like crazy. And then next day, he doesn’t eat much.
"Q: Is your book going 2 be the 'bomb' you once promised, or a collection of anecdotes as stated by Gallery?
Johnny : I still don't have a title, but the book will be great. lot's of gossip and philosophy. "
He was saying the title may be“ lies and dirt” or something like that several month ago but I guess he changed his mind. Lots of gossip ??
"Q: How your personality changed from the past?
Johnny : I was very stupid publicly in the past, but now I am stupid and own it."
LOL, you are very wise, Johnny. Only people who have confidence about themselves can say these kind of words. Love it.
"Q: What do you usually like to do on long plane flights? I can never sleep so I just watch movies.
Johnny : I go insane on long flights. I read, play games on the TV, poke Tara when she passes out, meet the crew etc "
LOL Poor Tara… LOL I don't know why but I really enjoy seeing and hearing Johnny & Tara's communication. ( so does my husband. ) Johnny's action to Tara sounds like my action to my husband.
"Q: What's your favorite program? (own)
Johnny : my favorite programs are swan, poker face, Heartbroken, Yunona and fallen angel Still his favorite is The swan program. "
He may be liking all the programs which were popular. I love his Rondo program the most, then Poker face. He never talked about Rondo.
"Q: Are you afraid of anything?!?
Johnny : I’m afraid of sharks, spiders, germs, bugs, barracuda, flying, dark, war and everyone wearing the same thing ."
Love this he is afraid of " everyone wearing the same thing."
Be unique and creative no matter what other people may think or say.
I disliked the fact that all my co-workers who were girls were all carrying Louis Vuitton handbags in the same department when I was working for a jewelry company in Japan.
Many girls /ladies had Similar trendy hair style, trendy fashion, trendy make-up with popular brand handbags. It’s comfortable for them to be the same as others ???
But I originally like Louis Vuitton handbags and wallets, because the quality is great. Just when I found several people were carrying same items as me, I was not comfortable to carry them anymore.
" Q: When could you announce the pair skating with Stephane?? I want to watch it in Niigata!! :* JSGJ
Johnny : Stephane doesn't want to skate with me. we both like to be the "flower" in the pair. he refuses."
Johnny is such a teaser. lol
To do throw jump, Johnny will be the person to be thrown, and Johnny does it beautifully, will get more attention than the person who throw, even though Stephane posed artistically after threw Johnny. Maybe Stephane didn’t like it ??
Both of them are popular. But in Japan, Johnny maybe more popular than Stephane. ( after hearing some stories )
I’ve seen Stephane Lambiel and Jeffrey Buttle skated together in one of the Japanese ice shows, but it was without throw jump, and it was not so impressive to me.
I guess Johnny might refuse Stephane’s idea ( if he had ),too. Because both want to be flowers. Lol
I’m hoping Johnny will pair with Sasha Cohen, but they are also both flowers. So I just have to give it up.
"Q: Who are your favorite skaters to perform with?
Johnny : I love to perform with Plushenko, Slutskaya, Yu na kim, Ando Miki, Oda, Ksenia Makarova, & Evan Bates. "
So when he do his own ice show in the future, these members will be in his list to invite for his ice show besides celebrities and circus ? Love it !
Q: Are you really close with any of the non-American figure skaters? :)
Johnny : Ksusha Makarova is my baby sister. also close with Oda, Ando, Gedevanishvilli, Dytrt, Totmyanina.
"Q: Will you tell Brian Joubert to get a Twitter account?! You are friends, right? We need updates! :D
Johnny : Brian is very quiet and likes to keep to himself. But I'll push him
Q: If Brian is quiet how come you're friends? Are you two complementary or are you secretly quiet too? ;D
Johnny : Secretly I'm quiet and bashful. Brian is great. "
I only knew he was close friends with Ksenia, Elene.G, Annette, and Tonmyanina, but Oda and Miki are new for me. But nice to know about it especially Miki. Because I really like her.
Miki loves shopping, fashion and her favorite brand sounds like it's Gucci. She also cares about her fans very much. I noticed that in Olympics, Miki was doing similar things as Johnny was doing before starting skating and also after they finished skating.
Later I've read in Miki's interview, she was saying the most impressive performance in men's competition ( Olympics ) was Johnny Weir's performance. She sad she wanted to perform like Johnny did, which touched people's heart and connected to audience.
She is very emotonal. I don't know why but when she won Worlds in 2007, her emoional expression at K&C made me cry. While I didn't get this kind of feeling for any of the other ladies skaters. Her tears look so real and very emotionally deep, so when she had to withdraw in World 2008, her emotional interview with Peter also made me tear. Miki looks social and friends with many skaters.
Oda looks fun, and funny and I like him,too. Also Plushy and Joubert.
Many of his fans were expecting Johnny & Stephane ‘s pair.
But I thought Johnny is not much care about it after reading some of his interviews and also what he said about Stephane when he was asked from his fan at his Russian fan’s meeting.
These two together on ice is wonderful to see, so it’s a shame.
But when both of them want to be a main flower, not yang & yin, it’s not balancing.
Personally, my image of main flower = Johnny
Johnny was saying in the interview that he was inspired by Joubert at Kings on ice show ( in Russia ).
Joubert sat Johnny down and told him about his result of Olympics and sounded like he was supportive to Johnny‘s performances.
Joubert looks honest, speaks to his mind, out spoken, nothing superficial same as Johnny.
I’ve seen Joubert was responded to his fans in his face book ( Russian FB) and my impression of him has been a sweet person. Johnny looked shy to people until becoming close friend.
He also said in one of the questions, he usually wait people to come. Does it mean Miki is social ??
My husband Ray is a huge fan of Miki Ando, and also Johnny, so he was delighted to read about it.
" Q: Hi!Johnny, How do you celebrate your 2nd 25th birthday? and I love your Balanciaga tree! ;)
Johnny : I will celebrate with my closest friends on Thursday in NYC then Friday I have mani/pedi party with Tara. "
Hope he will have a wonderful happy birthday with his friends and Tara !
Mani/pedi party with Tara ?? Lol Sounds fun !

I love his closet ! It's like a treasures room. I'm learning from him how to organize our closet. Also love that Louis Vuitton bag !
I like glitter and colorful, so Balensiaga bags may not my taste. I need silver or gold metallic in handbag. But Johnny looks good on them.


