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Showing posts from September, 2010

Q & A For Skaters at All that skate show

Q & A For Skaters at All that skate show It was interesting to read the Q & A for skaters who will the attend the ā€œAll that skateā€ ice show. They are Michelle Kwan, Yu na Kim, Johnny Weir, Tanith Belbin & Ben Agosto, Stephane Lambiel, Ashley Wagner, Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir who will attend the ā€œAll that skate ā€œ ice show in LA in October 2, 3 ā€™ 2010. Brian Joubert was also in the list but somehow he was replaced by Patrick Chan later. Shen & Zhao also are in the list. This event will be up on NBC on Sunday, October 10. Here are some of the Questions & Answers, My interest is always Johnny Weir . Stephane Lambielā€™s answer was interesting, too. Question : Do you have any rituals before you perform? Johnny Weir - ā€œI get ready in a very quiet space, make myself beautiful and get in the zone.ā€ StĆ©phane Lambiel ā€“ ā€œI like singing before I skate. Thatā€™s good for my breathing.ā€ (My comment ) Johnny was always making his own little world , si...

Sacha Baron Cohen has been chosen to play Freddie Mercury in Queen Film

Actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen has been chosen to play Freddie Mercury in a new movie, which will be in theatres in 2011. There was news about a Freddie Mercury movie in the works a few years ago and at that time, it was Johnny Depp who was the main actor being rumored for the part. Sacha Baron Cohenā€™s name had also come up at the time, but no actor had been firmly decided for the part at that time. Robert De Niro ā€™s Tribeca productions will be a co-producer for the film. Freddie Mercury was one of rockā€™s greatest icons of all time.  He was the lead singer, a song writer, and pianist for the English rock group, Queen. Freddie Mercury was known for his soaring, powerful vocals with over a four-octave range and his flamboyant and dynamic stage presence. As a songwriter, Mercury composed many hits for Queen, including Bohemian Rhapsody, Killer Queen, Donā€™t Stop Me Now, Crazy Little Thing Called Love and We are the Champions. Freddie was also a great dancer...

Superficial friendship

Today, Iā€™m thinking about friendship. Looks like superficial friendship is common everywhere especially the more we get older and older.   I also have some superficial friends, but main point is always whether I enjoy with them or not. If I found no fun to talk or read their messages anymore, I donā€™t continue the friendship. My closest real friends may be only two. One of them is from when I was 12 years old, since my first grade in junior high school. We know each other a lot and have strong connection, even though we have different view of life, have different hobbies, and have different taste. Mainly we talk about each otherā€™s life asking questions, not only talk about ourselves because I think both of us are interested what we are doing, whether okay or not. Plus honest. I donā€™t push my interests to my friends, because I know they wonā€™t like being pushed and they wonā€™t be interested. Ray is asking if the interests are different, what can you talk about with f...

What is the meaning of the date December 21, 2012 in the Mayan Calendar ?

Recently Iā€™ve heard about the Mayan Calendar , which is known as one of the most accurate calendars ever made, and which has been used for many forecasts and predictions. The Mayan calendar accurately lays out solar and lunar positions and events starting from thousands of years in the past, and then the calendar abruptly ends on December 21, 2012 . Many have speculated that this means it may be the end of the world. And when I heard about it, first thing came to my mind was ā€œ Is it like Nostradamus prediction which was interpreted as 1999 being the end of the world ? And it didnā€™t happen ? ā€œ Ray says no one knows for sure what it means, why the Mayan Calendar ends in 2012. Why did the calendar end on that date ? My first thought about it is this, Maybe the Mayan person/persons who created the calendar passed away after he/she/they finished the calendar up to the date December 21, 2012. Or there might be some other reason why he/she/they could not continue. And m...