Today, I’m thinking about friendship.
Looks like superficial friendship is common everywhere especially the more we get older and older.

I also have some superficial friends, but main point is always whether I enjoy with them or not.
If I found no fun to talk or read their messages anymore, I don’t continue the friendship.
My closest real friends may be only two. One of them is from when I was 12 years old, since my first grade in junior high school.
We know each other a lot and have strong connection, even though we have different view of life, have different hobbies, and have different taste.
Mainly we talk about each other’s life asking questions, not only talk about ourselves because I think both of us are interested what we are doing, whether okay or not. Plus honest.
I don’t push my interests to my friends, because I know they won’t like being pushed and they won’t be interested.
Ray is asking if the interests are different, what can you talk about with friends ?
We talk about our life, what happened, what she and I did, our opinions about many themes. We have different taste, and I’m curious why she likes it, why she thinks so, why she feels it’s beautiful and I can know her taste and type which are different from me.
I’m not looking for people who have same taste as me for my friends. And ask her If she was in my situation what she would do when I have problem. Not depending on her, but interesting to know her way of solution.
If the connection is only our interests, no private things, just sharing information without catch ball conversation, it‘s just superficial friendship to me.
But if it’s fun, and if one can think from reader’s feeling, I like it. I also need to pay attention for it.
If I found I’m not enjoying, I will stop.
Because it’s natural.
Therefore, thinking from reader’s feeling is the point to keep good friendship whatever the connection.
What people love to read or hear ?
I think it’s something which makes them( readers/listeners) feel good.
It’s all about feeling.
“ People love others not for who they are but for how they make them feel ” - unknown
When I felt clear lie or boasting with no sense of humor which I think is coming from lack of confidence from a person, it made me uncomfortable feeling.
Self importance. I found everyone wants this one.
And the balance is important when we talk with someone.
If one only talk about herself/himself which only make oneself feel good or better, without any question to the readers or listeners, like one man show, how boring for readers or listener unless one is someone who readers/listeners love or is interesting.
There is match or not match depending on the person’s personality which comes from one’s spirit.