This is my new favorite book ,
" Quest for Truth, 100 insights that could change your life" by Darryl Anka
According to Darryl Anka's official website, this book was newly reissued. ( It was released in 1997 first time )
So happy the book is available and I was able to purchase this book!
The 1997 version of the book is sold in amazon at the price of $741.01 !!!
and this reissued version is sold with a starting price of $309.30 for a new book, and also for a used book starting price is from $146.32 !!!
I feel it's very valuable information, and in the Bashar store's website, it's selling for $22.95 plus shipping fee.
So while it's still available in their site, we purchased it from there quickly after I discovered it.
There is so much interesting information from Bashar from the Essassani planet in the book.
For people who are familiar with Bashar's presentations on DVD or CD or youtube, or who are also readers of Neal Donald Walsh's "home with god " , there may be some parts they already know.
But there are also new discoveries and it's always fun and interesting to read Bashar's information.
and today, I would like to talk about " Living in the present moment and aging".
I think most of New Age fans already know the importance of living in the present moment.
In the section "Bending Space & Time" in the book, Bashar says the following about it,
" Live in the moment.
The more you live in the moment, the more you become absorbed, literally, absorbed in doing what you love to do, the less you will age.
All of you know the experience of " time flies " when you are having fun.
You know that time isn't really flying.
And in all reality, it isn't that you are just ignoring the passage of time.
You create time. And when you do something that allows you to be so focused that you can come out of it and say " Oh, many hours have passed, where did the time go ? "
You actually did not create that time, literally.
If you feel that you have only experienced about one half hour when perhaps to the rest of the world three hours went by , you actually only aged one half hour. "
What I was noticing was
When I'm having fun, I felt time flies so fast.
When I'm concentrating to do something, I felt time flies so fast.
When we are doing something boring, or not interested in, or are struggling and are waiting for the time, time passes so slow.
But I didn't realize we create time.
It means the more we are having fun time in life, the more we are getting ageless ?
Here's more of what Bashar says about it in the book
" Living in the moment.
Staying in the moment.
Following your excitement and staying in that vibration unlocks you from the time Matrix and allows you to experience yourself as relatively ageless.
Now, the idea is, when you realize that three hours have passed, what you are simply doing is automatically and by choice, reconnecting yourself to the time stream that all of you have agreed to share , because you don't want to completely divorce yourself from that matrix.
Otherwise, you will not be able to interact with many other people on your planet at this time.
But the more all of you live in the moment, the more you will be able to interact in the " Now" and the less aging you will experience, because you are literally creating less time.
When you stay in the moment you are creating less details, you are allowing yourself to see the big picture of what you are doing, and allowing your higher self to allow the details to be opened and positioned automatically.
You don't have to " fragment " your consciousness, take care of " worrying about all the details " or try to juggle all the details into place.
The fewer details you pay attention to in that fashion, the less time you will need to get done what you need to get done.
You follow ?
Does that model work for you ? "
I've been paying attention for it since I knew how important it is to live in the moment.
However, whenever I realized that , I was always thinking something or picturing something , so it's not easy to live in the moment.
According to the research I've read, most people 's minds are full of thinking, about over 100,000 things are constantly in our minds every day.
and our busy minds are constantly thinking about past or future with details while we are awake.
and since a few days ago, when I was having a walk , I was paying attention for hearing/listening mainly.
and I discovered a different world of sound during the walking !
There are many sounds of things in the present moment.
Birds singing are everywhere,
I've also never realized that the cicadas insect sound was so loud when I went through big trees on the road.
Sounds of airplanes in the sky,
Loud voices of kids playing in a swimming pool,
Sounds of lizards , ( it's Arizona )
My step sounds while walking,
Also, the smell of the air,
the feeling of air,
I really got that meaning of living in the present moment, and of no thought, and the feeling of living in the present moment makes me feel so happy.
If I pay attention to vision , it was more difficult to live in the moment, because seeing/ watching is more coming from our mind, and it's starting to judge something, whatever I see.
But when I pay attention to hearing, I felt it was natural to get into the moment without thinking or judging something.
Bashar talked about being ageless when we are living in the present moment in this topic in the book, and I was interested about it, because it was new for me.
When we live in the present moment, we can be a true natural self without being bothered by our ego.
and if we can live in the moment as long as possible, things are always going well.
I finally got this meaning, even though I just started doing it.
about Bashar's book,
" Quest for Truth, 100 insights that could change your life" by Darryl Anka
If you are interested in it,
Here is the table of contents of the book below ,
* Creating Your Reality
* New Horizons
* Pacing Yourself
* Questions From the Audience
* Genuine Frauds
* One Sided
* Quest for Truth
* The Rich Person
* The Dream House
* Fairy Tales
* Response Ability
* Receiving with Grace
* Never Too Much
* Biggest Dream
* Neutral Situations
* Not to you, Through You
* Spontaneity
* A Walk Through the Forest
* Wake Up Time
* Awakened Spirits
* Everything
* Co-Creators
* The Three Absolutes
* Visualizing
* Synchronicity
* Vision & Creativity
* The Curtain Opens
* The Crucible of Change
* Not The Same You
* The Film Strip Analogy
* Time Flows
* Death & Dying
* Departure Time
* Where the Rain Leaks In
* Sucide
* Murder
* Victim & Perpetrators
* Pre-Life Agreements
* Assigning Meaning
* Nightmares
* What You Put Out
* Death as a Symbol
* Pain & Suffering
* Vulnerability
* Leaving Your Body
* Religion & Faith
* In the Image of God
* Keep it Simple
* Indra's Net
* Guilt & Deservability
* Healers & Healing
* Physicians : Heal Thyself
* The Phoenix Syndrome
* Why Create Disease ?
* The Best Medicine
* Empathy, not Pity
* Breaking Down Barriers
* Oxygen: The Key
* Life Threatening Illness
* Small Connection
* Re-Searching Aids
* Pulsing Fields
* No One Size Fits All
* Right Use of Will
* The Library
* The Nature of Anger
* Weighting
* Already Important
* Other Paths to Explore
* Breath of Life
* Natural Biological Cycles
* Bite Size Meals
* Oxygenating the Body
* Electro-Magnatheric Blue
* Healing Tones
* The Art of Healing
* 0.618
* Power Spots
* Planetary Fluctuations
* 1-2-3
* Bending Space & Time
* Time Out
* From The Heart
* Glide Path
* Soul Mates
* Unconditional Love
* Tel-Empathy
* The Master Crystal
* 90's Woman
* Yin-Yang
* On Children
* Bad Dream
* Big Rainbow
* Ralph
* Natural Anger
* 100% Trust
* Old Blocks
* Responding v.s. Reacting
* Melting Yourself
* Which One ?
* Coming & Going
* Rejection
* Difficult Relationships
* Lost & Found
* Room of Mirrors
* The Marriage
* Mom & Dad
* True Romance
* Getting Hiched
* Meet Yourself
* As You Wish
* Epilogue
* Index