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Showing posts from March, 2016

Today's brunch - Happy time

Japanese breakfast menu One of the happiest moments I feel is eating my favorite foods at home. This is my today's brunch.  The menu is * A bowl of plane white rice with vegetable seasonings over it. * Two sunny-side-ups and a slice of chicken ham , * Green asparagus , * Seaweed called Nori ,  ( Thank you to my aunt Miyoko & Uncle Sakae ) * Miso soup with Daikon ( Japanese radish), Satoimo ( Japanese potato ), green onion, The sauce I use for Nori and the main dish is soy sauce . It's one of the Japanese breakfast menus but I rarely eat breakfast, so I often eat this menu or similar menu for my brunch. This kind of Japanese menu never bores me , and it shows I'm really Japanese.  But I sometimes eat garlic toast with cheese and Tuna, and egg and salad instead of the menu. Also in my husband's days off, we sometimes eat French toast or pancake for brunch. Depending on our mood, sometimes we have different feeling of what to eat, so sometimes I make diffe...

Value of creators - If there was no one who can ....

 photo credit: Japanese traditional style farm house / č¾²å®¶(恮恆恋) via photopin (license) When I was a kid, my dad often told me his childhood stories.  One of the impressive things in his stories was about his experience of a nature disaster when he was around 22.  My dad was the fourth child out of 9 brothers & sisters. so including his parents ( my grandfather and grandmother ) total of 11 people were living together .  In his generation, most people were poor with many children each family.  Because after the world war 2, Japan lost so many people, so they were told by the government to have many kids as much as they could.  In 1953, there was a serious nature disaster which came from heavy rain & typhoon in the Kyushu area ( South side of Japan ) where my dad had lived.  My dad was a university student at that time, and when he came back to his home, his house was washed away and there was nothing in the pr...

Everything is a Miracle

  Miracle, My image of the idea of a miracle, was always that a miracle means something impossible happens. and I believed that's called a "Miracle" . and that it rarely happens in life. In my life, for example, I've been feeling that meeting my husband was amazing miracle. But when I imagined if I lived on an island where no one lives. There is nothing on the island except for nature, and I own nothing there. On that island, how could I create many things that I'm having in this life right now ? When I was born, there was already many things/people were in the place I was born,  such as my parents,  doctors, nurses, my brother, hospitals,  beds, blankets, pillows, something to wear, paper, pencils, pen, eraser, towels, drinking water, foods, drinks, bath, shoes, electric equipment,  airplanes, cars, bicycles, trains, buses, TVs, telephones,  brushes, dishes, music, cups, stores, restaurants, and much more and more ... But in the beginning of ...