My image of the idea of a miracle, was always that a miracle means something impossible happens.
and I believed that's called a "Miracle".
and that it rarely happens in life.
In my life, for example, I've been feeling that meeting my husband was amazing miracle.
when I imagined if I lived on an island where no one lives.
There is nothing on the island except for nature,
and I own nothing there.
On that island, how could I create many things that I'm having in this life right now ?
When I was born, there was already many things/people were in the place I was born, such as my parents, doctors, nurses, my brother, hospitals, beds, blankets, pillows, something to wear, paper, pencils, pen, eraser, towels, drinking water, foods, drinks, bath, shoes, electric equipment, airplanes, cars, bicycles, trains, buses, TVs, telephones, brushes, dishes, music, cups, stores, restaurants, and much more and more ...
But in the beginning of the world, there was nothing.
I was not thinking about it before, and always I felt it's obvious to have many things I own and have right now and to also have things in the place I've lived.
and then I realized that it's not so obvious.
It's actually a miracle.
Everything I have right now is a miracle.
Those things were all created by people before I was born, so I didn't realize it's a miracle because it's always been here during my life.
Even in the present generation, there are locations where there are no such things.
I realized it's a miracle, someone, somewhere created all those things I'm having right now.
When I started thinking about it, and see all the things I'm having now,
and all the things & people which are in my area where I live in, naturally I feel grateful to be able to have everything.
Also grateful to all the people who created all the things,
To all the people who are working to create and run all these things,
World is full of abundance.
When I look at the world deeply, I can know we are always supported by unconditional love.
~ There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~
ā Albert Einstein