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My Review - US Nationals Figure skating 2014 Men & Ladies

I'm really late to post this review, but it was so exciting to watch US Nationals championships !! Competition is about finding the right mental balance and mind toughness, and I think people who get the right mind-set always win and did successful job. It's so inspiring to watch all the skaters passion and watching whether they will achieve their goal or not. For myself as a viewer , great performances are always the ones which make me remember, as unforgettable memories, more than any scores. Especially, in Olympics seasons, all the countries put big scores for their best skaters to show how impressive their own country's skaters are.  All the countries want to win or get medals at Olympics. and it looks like scores are getting higher and higher every olympics since   the COP system. Maybe 10 years from now, the world record for short program score will be over 150 ?? , for  Long program will be over 200 ??  lol Actually, when we recently watched around 19

Miracle - Mind Power

      Miracle happened to one of my husband's ( Ray's) older brothers ( My brother -in- law ) this month. He had lost consciousness and fainted in his driveway for what he said had seemed like about 5 hours . It was a very frozen day in Kansas City and everything was covered with snow.  It happened from the symptoms of pneumonia when he was trying to fix his truck, and then the cold temperature took over. Fortunately his neighbor found him around 7 pm in the evening and carried him in his house ,  and called an ambulance. He was taken to the nearest hospital, which happened to be one of the best, state of the art - hospitals.  When he arrived there, he was barely alive, and was placed in the intensive care unit.   The hospital called to all his relatives. We all deeply prayed for him to recover. Miraculously, he slowly began recovering from the hypothermia and kidney

Figure skating 2013 - 2014 season - My favorite performances for Men & Ladies

We've been enjoying watching Grand Prix Figure skating competitions every weekend !  Most of the time, my husband and I have same taste and often agree with each other while watching all the performances.  Here are my top favorite performances so far after watching all the grand prix competition.  Men  Jason Brown  Congratulations for winning a first senior grand prix medal in TEB competition !  I'm a huge fan of his skating now !  His short program and long program are my top favorite programs this season.    Jason Brown Short Program at TEB 2013 Jason Brown Free Program at TEB Both of them are awesome , fun, artistic, beautiful, exciting, wonderful musicality with excellent body moves and choreography.  At the age of only 18, he already has his original style, Jason skating style.  Skating which is full of personality is always interesting to watch.  The music is growing on me every time I watch his performance.   His Irish dance is fantasti


It was my husband's birthday yesterday !  My husband loves champagne , so we were shopping for it since a few days ago.  While shopping, we saw many champagne brands, and we happened to see the brand Moet Chandon as well.  When we saw the Moet & Chandon there, it reminded us of Queen's song Killer Queen which contains the following Lyrics   " ~ She keeps a Moet et Chandon in her pretty cabinet ~ "  The composer of this song, Freddie Mercury , had several favorite Champagnes which were made in France, his favorite was " Cristal " and second was the Moet & Chandon.  He seems really a luxury lover.  I always love Italian or German Champagne and wine , so does my husband.  and I've heard that Rose is not good quality image in France?  but I always love the taste of rose.  I love white wine rather than red wine.  As a result we bought the following two sparkling wines.  Schloss Biebrich made in Germany and

Johnny Weir retired from skating competition and becoming a NBC commentator & skating analyst

Johnny Weir has announced his retirement from his skating competition in Today's show and also in his column on October 23' 2013.    I'm not surprised to hear about his retirement of competition, but it's so nice to hear he is becoming a skating analyst of NBC !   Congratulations, Johnny !!!  I'm so glad I can see him or hear his commentating in all grand prix figure skating events this season and also Olympics in NBC !  I think Johnny , Tara Lipinski and Tanith Belbin are great combination as a commentator. I enjoyed his commentating in worlds 2011.   He is a great public speaker, with witty, outspoken talk. and last Sunday, I watched his commentating for Skate Canada for men's skating with Terry Gannon.  I thought he did great !  I have my own view of each skater, so it's no