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Showing posts from 2007

NHK Trophy review

Ray and I were watching NHK Trophy on ESPN broadcast yesterday. Although we already knew the result. It was interesting that they showed Daisuke and Miki and also Shizuka Arakawa ā€™s small fluff pieces. Daisuke was saying something like that ā€œ people says my footwork is cool. But I learned it by watching and moves. I think itā€™s cool .ā€ Ha ha , yes, his footwork is cool, but all his movements are cool, too. Miki was saying something like that  ā€œ I became world Champion last season, but I changed nothing but people changed. I can not even go out without sunglasses. Iā€™m just Miki Ando. I love my life. ā€œ It was cute. Miki and Mao sounds very popular like idol singers or actresses in Japan, so those two may need guards whenever they go out. And I can understand why they are so popular over there. I think both of them are attractive. I also think Yu na Kim has charisma. This season, ESPN was also showing some other foreign skaters such as Fumie Suguri, Brian Joubert, Stephane Lambiel a...

Cup of Russia - Review

I was so glad to see that ESPN broadcast showed Johnny fan's fever, how popular he is in Russia.  Everybody was screaming his name loudly like crazy, and one of his Russian fans was interviewed about him. His banners with his images were everywhere. It's always great to see it. Thank you ESPN for showing it.  Also commentator Paul Wylie mentioned about Johnny's award for Love of Russia just before he skated his SP. Johnny thought he was ignored about it from US federation but it's great they did mention in ESPN and also figure skating magazine. And he feels better now. He is so lovely and cute, he added extra note for it after he posted his last journal. Johnny Weir SP - It was perfect !! How could he handle his nerves from the situation where so many his fans are expecting his performance ? He was very mentally strong. I love the beginning of the choreography so much. Very artistic and also his face expression. Also after the first jump, his elegant sentimental ...

Johnny Weir, Another Victory at Cup of Russia !!!!!!

2007-2008 ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating is still coming up. It is a series of international invitational competitions in the first half of the figure skating season. Skaters ( 36 skaters ) compete in four disciplines (men's singles, ladies singles, pairs, and ice dance) over six events.  Ray and I usually watch men's & ladies singles and sometimes ice dance. Especially for all the men's COP that Johnny Weir is up. For Ladies singles, Ray loves Miki Ando ( from Japan ), and I also love her skating so we are rooting for those two. Skaters can earn a certain amount of points per placement. The top six scoring skaters or teams at the end of the series compete in the Grand Prix Final. Johnny was competing at " Cup of China " and " Cup of Russia " this season. and Johnny earned 30 points ( perfect ) , Miki will compete at NHK trophy COP which will be held next weekend. and one of the competitions Cup of Russia was held last weekend . and 12...

Review of Cup Of China - Men

Before I watched the broadcast. I already saw Johnny ā€™s both programs and also Stephaneā€™s LP on youtube. But Seeing in a big screen was very different from YouTube. It was great to see Johnnyā€™s skating on the broadcast without having nervous since I knew the result of his victory with perfect performances. I was glad that ESPN broadcast showed menā€™s both programs I wanted to see because they usually showed only the skater who got highest score for SP, and Johnny was in the second place at SP, so I was worry about that they may not show his SP.  So it was very nice ! Commentator Paul Wylie ā€™s comment about each skater was great. He always think from skaterā€™s side instead of FS federation side. I miss Dick Button and Terry Gannon though, they did it last season. I usually loved Dick Buttonā€™s comment about Johnny except during Olympic and 2006 Nationals. I could see he loves Johnnyā€™s skating and likes Johnny as a person.  Although sympathy for other skaters , because he often...

Johnny won at Cup of China !!!!

Figure skating Grand Prix Competition Cup of China was held this weekend . I was so nervous to see the result of men's COP because there was Johnny and there were also his tough competitors Stephane Lambiel ( from Switzerland ) and Evan Lysacek ( U.S.A.) . My husband Ray and I have been bad impression for Lysacek since last season because his arrogant behavior against Johnny often bothers us. So we really hoped if Johnny could beat him in the COP this season. As a result , At Short program , 1. Evan Lysacek Total : 81.55 TES: 44.90 PCS: 36.65 2. Johnny Weir Total : 79.80 TES:44.00 PCS: 35.80 3. Stephane Lambiel Total : 70.20 TES : 34.00 PCS: 37.20 At Free program , 1. Johnny Weir Total : 151.98 TES: 76.38 PCS: 75.60 2. Evan Lysacek Total : 147.81 TES: 74.71 PCS: 74.10 3. Stephane Lambiel Total : 122.02 TES : 53.22 PCS: 71.80 Overall 1. Johnny : 231.78 2. Evan : 229.36 3. Stephane : 192.22 Johnny won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

My Review of Skate America - Men & Women 2007

I could not see all the skaters because the broadcast showed only some of them. Iā€™m still having a trouble with setting up ice network.comā€™s video.. Here is my review of Skate America for men & women. Men - Daisuke Takahashi His SP was awesome ! He was the most impressive skater in this menā€™s event. I was very happy he won it. The choreography was wonderful, the music ā€œ swan lake ā€œ put to a rhythm of hip hop was kind of unique. I guess he is acting as a black devil swan in it. While watching it I had an idea what if Johnnyā€™s beautiful elegant and delicate swan performed together with this wild black swan that dances hip hop in a show , like in an exhibition program, it would be interesting to watch. I know it would never happen but the two swan characters are so opposite , and it would be fun and also funny. Daisukeā€™s hip hop style dance was great , I didnā€™t know he can dance so well. His movements are very speedy and dynamic, naturally doing them. He received level 1 ...

Johnny's New Short Program

It's been forever since my last entry.  I've been busy for my work since then. In my free time, I'm still into figure skating,... I mean Johnny Weir. Now finally figure skating season is coming up since the end of August. Johnny was competing at team competition "Japan vs U.S.A." in October 6. His new SP is Russian classic " Yunona I Avos " .  It's a beautiful piano music. Fortunately, I could watch his SP on YouTube very soon since someone was already created it in the next day from the COP. Great news was U.S.A. team won !  I mean Johnny's team won ! Sorry, Japan, but Johnny wins in my mind. LOL His new SP is so beautiful, sentimental and romantic and I love it a lot. Only his miskate was he hand down from his 3A ( triple axel jump ). But it's not a big deal. I'm very glad that real Johnny Weir is back now. He is in his comfort zone, came back to his original beautiful ballet style. ...

COI San Jose review

My husband and I went to COI San Jose on May 18, Friday.   It was our second time to go to see skating live show. Our seat was Row 7 at close to the center of the circle rink.  Last time when we went to COI Phoenix , our seat was second row but at the edge of the circle rink, so even this was row 7, I thought this seat was better and more clear to see all the skaters performance. The show started around 7:45PM and in the opening Johnny appeared at fifth or six. Johnny looked like he got a lot of sun tan at Mexico and his hair style was all back.  I think he did triple jump but not sure, I donā€™t remember clearly. Johnnyā€™s all in love is fair was really perfect ! His movements were deep and elegant and smooth and gorgeous. He landed all his triple jumps beautifully. I really loved it.  He looked confidence.  Especially I loved beginning of the movements of the program. I also felt his skating level is so much higher than any other menā€™s skaters because ...

pretty pictures

Johhy Weir, Program " Rondo " My favorite his program !  Johnny Weir, skating with the program " Otonal " So, romantic and beautiful ! Johnny Weir & Stephane Lambiel at a party after World Championship.

Johnny Weir - Fallen Angels

Johnny Weir. So cute !!! Fallen Angels performed by Johnny, Mellisa & Denis, Incredible performance !!! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous !!!

Johnny Depp

I've just visited Johnny Depp's MySpace and I was really impressed by many of his quotes. "If there's any message to my work, it is ultimately that itā€™s OK to be different, that itā€™s good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgment on someone who looks, talks or is a different color " I love this quote ! It's SO true ! Hero : My children they are just great and they help me to stay young and live life again through them. Also Vanessa for being there for me and putting up with my busy schedule. The fans without them I wouldn't be where I am today. Who I'd like to meet: I joined MySpace to have the chance to meet and chat with my fans. Many of you have been with me from the beginning of my career and have never left my side. You all mean the world to be and I love every last one of you. He really appreciate his fans and that's amazing. Many super stars forget abou...