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Showing posts from January, 2011

Johnny Weir is trending - Book ā€œ Welcome to my world ā€œ, & Song ā€œ Dirty Loveā€

" Welcome to my world " Johnny Weir is everywhere now since around January 6 for the promotion of his book ā€œ Welcome to my world ā€œ and also his song ā€œ Dirty love ā€œ. Dirty Love Cool ! I love both of the images ! He and his team ( his manager Tara Modlin & his hair dresser Eric ) started touring book stores since January 11. And he will tour PA, MA, CT, NY, MI, IL, OH, WI, CA. No Arizona, of course and no expectation for that so no surprise. Look at this tour bus ! Amazing ! Johnny Weir ā€œ Welcome to my world ā€œ tour bus ! He is a star & famous. Also he was doing many interviews and also will be in another show at Joy Baher show and George Lopez . I watched his interviews at Today showā€™s interview, and at Wendyā€™s show , and read one or two articles for Peopleā€™s Magazine , and also listened to his interview with Howard Stern online. I pre-ordered his book ā€œ Welcome to my world ā€œ in December with autographed version. And they shi...

My Favorites - Twilight Zone Episodes part 2.

3. Mystic Seer ( Nick of time ) This story is about a newly young marriage couple who go into a cafĆ© restaurant and there was a little toy machine called ā€œmystic seerā€ at their table, with instructions on it that say that , for a penny, it will tell the future. Like a fortune cookie. The husband is curious so he tries it and puts a penny into the toy, asking a question about whether he had gotten the promotion today that he had been trying for. And the answer was ā€œ it has been decided in your favor ā€œ. He then calls his company in the cafĆ© pay phone and asks about it, and finds out that itā€™s true he really got the promotion.   At this point, the husband starts asking many more questions. And everything the mystic seer answers to him turns out to be true. So he becomes even more crazy, like obsessed, to ask many questions, such as where to live, west or east or north or south. The wife gets fed up with his actions and tells him they should not be a slave of th...

My favorites - Twilight Zone Episodes

Since New Yearā€™s Eve, we have been enjoying watching the 1950s classic TV series Twilight Zone marathon. Twilight zone is one of our favorite TV series. There is a Japanese version of Twilight Zone and I knew only the Japanese version until I moved to the USA and I didnā€™t know about the classic Twilight Zone. I think the Japanese version got some inspiration from this original series , and I found many people might get some ideas from the classic Twilight zone for their books or cartoon books, or other movies because Iā€™ve seen many similar situation or themes in the classic Twilight Zone . Ray and I both love this kind of thought provoking themes and we found most of the episodes have important messages which can help in real life situations. I found myself that I love any kind of art or performances or stories or music , films, paintings, which have thought provoking points or messages or themes to improve my life and myself. For example, this is why I love Johnny We...

Happy New Year, 2011 !!!

I canā€™t believe another year past, and itā€™s 2011 ,now !!! When I think about my childhood & teenage years, at that time I thought 2000 is like another generation, and it was far from then, and now itā€™s already 2011! Computer, I-pod, I-phone, music, everything became digital. But cars are not flying yet, like the movie ā€œ back to the future part 2 ā€œ. Maybe around 2500 ?? I wanted to write many things by the end of 2010, such as another SWTSā€™s reviews , Johnny Weirā€™s awesome performances ( Bad Romance & Ave Maria ) at Kaleidoscope on Ice, etc.. Fortunately my work has been busy for Christmas season every year, so could not make to write my personal blog until now. The most surprising things I did in 2010   Quit smoking. Yes ! I quit cigarette on October 24, 2010, cold turkey ! This was not in my list of the resolution for 2010, and I didnā€™t think I would quit smoking cause I always enjoyed smoking. I decided to quit. when ...