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Showing posts from March, 2011

My top 10 funniest movies which made me laugh like crazy

Laughing lifts our spirits and improves our moods, and relieves stress. It has been said laughter is the best medicine, plus it can also help improve our life as well. I think making people laugh so hard is actually a difficult skill. More than the words themselves, people laugh from oneā€™s expression, how they tell the story, how they act naturally while telling the story.   Iā€˜m more like easy to laugh at any kind of thing which is more natural. Because when I feel a person is trying to make me laugh, it often doesnā€™t work for me. Laughing taste may be different depending on the person. Which films made you laugh from the bottom of your heart ? Here are my top 10 funniest films , 1. Money pit This is an old movie (1986) but itā€™s still unbeatable. Not only I couldnā€™t stop laughing but I got stomachaches, could not breathe from laughing too hard, and rolling on the floor with laughter. There are so many funny scenes in this movie. One of the funniest scenes...

All is one, Pray for Japan - Shock, Northeastern Japan Earthquake, Tsunami ( March 11, to 16ā€™ 2011)

This is unbelievable. 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean nearby Northeastern Japan at around 2:46pm on March 11 (JST) causing widespread damage with blackouts, fire and gigantic tsunami. Iā€™ve never heard of such a huge earthquake. It was magnitude 9.0 !! Early information stated as 8.8 but after further review Japan corrected it to 9.0 . It seems that Miyagi was hit the hardest, then Fukushima, Iwate, Aomori, IbaragI , Chiba ( in the pacific coast area ), Yamagata, Niigata, Nagano, Kanagawa, Saitama.. According to an earthquake specialist, this is 180 times bigger than Hanshin ( Kobe ) earthquake ( Magnitude 7.3) which happened in 1995. And it only occurs once every 1,000 years. And seems like aftershock earthquakes 5.0 to 6.5 magnitude have been continuing. North side of Nagano on March 12, Miyagi , Nagano on March 13, south side of IbaragI on March 14, and also another big one magnitude 6.4 hit east side of Shizuoka area where there is...

My review - ā€œ Welcome to my world ā€œ - Johnny Weir, Part 2

His romance with someone he loved I was wondering why they broke up since he mentioned about his break up with his partner during summer in 2006 ( September ), after finished long COI tour. In that year which was Torino Olympics season, Johnny looked super super busy, US Nationals competition - Olympics - Worlds, - Marshallā€™s events, then COI tour until August, it was clear to see no time for his private life including for his family. It must be tough not to meet with his partner and everyone who he loves for such a long time. . ā€œAlexā€ could not wait any longer, and was tired of being patient. Johnnyā€™s attitude to him also changed. Of course, this is already past, and words like could have, would have, should have things are useless to talk, but.. I do feel like it could have been fixable, and there may have been a solution if they were really in love each other and focused on the solution more than the problem. By only reading what he wrote, it looked to me Johnny b...

My review - ā€œ Welcome to my world ā€œ - Johnny Weir, Part 1

Johnnyā€™s book ā€œ Welcome to my world ā€œ arrived here on January 20 finally and  I was able to read it ! I bought the autographed version at Premiere Collectibles . It took a while to write the review, because I have many comments , and it became really really long and couldnā€™t finish. So I was editing it many parts to make it shorter. It was quite interesting to read his world and I didnā€™t want to stop reading it until the end. There were things Ray and I already knew since weā€™ve been fans of him for about 5 years and had been watching him compete, reading his journals, his Q&A and his interviews, but there were also many discoveries we didnā€™t know. First thing I was interested in was the part in the ā€œPrologueā€ chapter below, where he talks about his approach to meeting people. It was fascinating and I think it gives some clues to the secret of his charm. ā€œ how to make my approach. Usually I like to hug and kiss on both cheeks ( Iā€™m like a mobster and hug ...