When we were born, and were little kids, everyone was creative.
and while growing up and being taught many things which required to use left brain function, our right brain 's ability was decreasing.
To live and survive in the system that has been set up on planet earth, everyone was brainwashed while growing up, partly by their parents ( who were brainwashed by their parents, grandparents and so on ) , partly by their environment, by TV, culture, and so on.
However, it's not too late or impossible to improve our right brain's creativity.
Here are 11 ways to improve your right brain's creativity.
1. Drawing up side down
While drawing a picture or image normally, our left brain which thinks mainly in linear terms is always coming and expects to see things oriented in the customary way.
and while growing up and being taught many things which required to use left brain function, our right brain 's ability was decreasing.
To live and survive in the system that has been set up on planet earth, everyone was brainwashed while growing up, partly by their parents ( who were brainwashed by their parents, grandparents and so on ) , partly by their environment, by TV, culture, and so on.
However, it's not too late or impossible to improve our right brain's creativity.
Here are 11 ways to improve your right brain's creativity.
1. Drawing up side down
While drawing a picture or image normally, our left brain which thinks mainly in linear terms is always coming and expects to see things oriented in the customary way.
In an upright orientation, we recognize familiar things, name them, and categorize them by matching what we see with our stored memories and concepts.
But by drawing the image up side down, you can draw "without thinking extra things." and can draw only using your right brain and can improve your right brain.
When an image is upside down, the visual cues don't match.
But by drawing the image up side down, you can draw "without thinking extra things." and can draw only using your right brain and can improve your right brain.
When an image is upside down, the visual cues don't match.
We see the shapes and the areas of light and shadow, We see lines, instead of real objects.
1. Copy an upside-down image.
2. Copy the drawing just as you see it.
3. Your drawing will be done upside down.
4. Do not turn the original, or your drawing, around until you are finished.
5. Limit your time on this drawing to about 45-60 minutes.
This method was discovered by an artist & art teacher DR. Betty Edward from California State University.
You can check her book " Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain " by Betty Edward.
2. Listening to Classical music
In our typical daily life, we often need to use our left brain in any occasion while communicating with people, working, studying.
It's good to let your left brain get a rest and improve your right brain sometimes, whenever you have time.
One of the best ways and fastest way to do this is listening to classical music.
When you are on the train or the car to get to your work or school, try listening to classical music.
By doing it, the blood circulation in the right brain starts to run well and increases the creativity , on the other hand, the left brain can get a rest.
Piano or violin classical music are usually listened to by our right brain.
Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Liszt, are all great for your right brain to improve your creativity.
3. Use left hand's fingers
As you know, fingers and hands have direct connection to your brain.
When you feel sleepy, or felt stuck with your creativity or to get good idea , move each finger of your left hand by doing the following,
1. Push both your left thumb's top part and your index finger's top part relatively hardly.
Upside-down Drawing Steps
1. Copy an upside-down image.
2. Copy the drawing just as you see it.
3. Your drawing will be done upside down.
4. Do not turn the original, or your drawing, around until you are finished.
5. Limit your time on this drawing to about 45-60 minutes.
This method was discovered by an artist & art teacher DR. Betty Edward from California State University.
You can check her book " Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain " by Betty Edward.
2. Listening to Classical music
In our typical daily life, we often need to use our left brain in any occasion while communicating with people, working, studying.
It's good to let your left brain get a rest and improve your right brain sometimes, whenever you have time.
One of the best ways and fastest way to do this is listening to classical music.
When you are on the train or the car to get to your work or school, try listening to classical music.
By doing it, the blood circulation in the right brain starts to run well and increases the creativity , on the other hand, the left brain can get a rest.
Piano or violin classical music are usually listened to by our right brain.
Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Liszt, are all great for your right brain to improve your creativity.
3. Use left hand's fingers
As you know, fingers and hands have direct connection to your brain.
When you feel sleepy, or felt stuck with your creativity or to get good idea , move each finger of your left hand by doing the following,
1. Push both your left thumb's top part and your index finger's top part relatively hardly.
Then do the same thing for the other left hand fingers at the same time as left thumb's top part as well and do this 20 times with each finger.
When you push each finger's top part, push the finger towards " out" direction instead of " in" direction .
2. Using your right hand's thumb and index finger, massage your top parts of each left finger, about 10 times on each finger.
3. Using your left hand's thumb, push each finger's root part, about 20 times on each finger.
4. Move each finger of your left hand often like playing a piano.
5. Put some coins in your left side of pocket in your outfit. and grab one of the coins, and guess which coin you are picking using your feeling.
4. Train to walk by closing your eyes
When you are walking without socks in your feet, have you sometimes accidentally hit your toe on something like the edge of furniture or wall ?
I think most people experienced that and it feels extremely pain.
If it's often happening to you, your sense of space might be not working well.
When you want to improve your space sense, it's good to train to walk by closing your eyes in a safe place.
You can try anytime in your residence when you go to another room , or bathroom, just walk slowly while closing your eyes.
In the beginning, it may feel hard, but while you are repeating, your space sense is getting improving.
When you train this, put all the stuff away from the place where you are going walk to make the it safer.
5. Stand on your hands
When you are stuck to get a good idea for your creative work, doing a stand on your hands exercise can get inspiration.
Because according to a study, when we stand on our hands, alpha waves appear in our brains.
and after doing the stand on hands exercise, our head gets relaxed and our brain power starts working very well.
Alpha Waves are the brain wave which appears when we close our eyes with no thought in complete relaxed condition.
When you push each finger's top part, push the finger towards " out" direction instead of " in" direction .
2. Using your right hand's thumb and index finger, massage your top parts of each left finger, about 10 times on each finger.
3. Using your left hand's thumb, push each finger's root part, about 20 times on each finger.
4. Move each finger of your left hand often like playing a piano.
5. Put some coins in your left side of pocket in your outfit. and grab one of the coins, and guess which coin you are picking using your feeling.
4. Train to walk by closing your eyes
When you are walking without socks in your feet, have you sometimes accidentally hit your toe on something like the edge of furniture or wall ?
I think most people experienced that and it feels extremely pain.
If it's often happening to you, your sense of space might be not working well.
When you want to improve your space sense, it's good to train to walk by closing your eyes in a safe place.
You can try anytime in your residence when you go to another room , or bathroom, just walk slowly while closing your eyes.
In the beginning, it may feel hard, but while you are repeating, your space sense is getting improving.
When you train this, put all the stuff away from the place where you are going walk to make the it safer.
5. Stand on your hands
When you are stuck to get a good idea for your creative work, doing a stand on your hands exercise can get inspiration.
Because according to a study, when we stand on our hands, alpha waves appear in our brains.
and after doing the stand on hands exercise, our head gets relaxed and our brain power starts working very well.
Alpha Waves are the brain wave which appears when we close our eyes with no thought in complete relaxed condition.
We can get inspiration or flash of idea while alpha waves are appearing in our brains.
Also while doing Zen or meditation , or while artists are doing creative work, brains are in alpha waves .
According to the information I've read,
Alpha brainwaves are defined as brain waves that cycle between the frequency 8 Hz ā 13 Hz.
Delta wave ā (0.1 ā 3 Hz)
Theta wave ā (4 ā 7 Hz)
Alpha wave ā (8 ā 13 Hz)
Mu wave ā (7.5 ā 12.5 Hz)
SMR wave ā (12.5 ā 15.5 Hz)
Beta wave ā (16 ā 31 Hz)
Gamma wave ā (32 ā 100 Hz)
It means Alpha waves are vibrating 8 to 13 times within a second.
Brainwaves change based on the type of the brain activity.
In our normal daily life, while we are doing activity, our brains are in beta-wave. When we get sleepy, theta waves appear in our brain and when we are in deep sleep, our brains are in Delta-wave.
Alpha wave is called as " relaxing brainwave " or " resting brainwave" and it's in the middle situation between brains are in active and brains are in deep sleep, and it appears while brains are very relaxed.
So if you feel your brain is tired, good to try Stand on your hands exercise, but avoid to do for a long time, and stop doing it before you feel it's getting hard or difficult.
Once you get the alpha wave brain, soon you will get a great idea.
6 . Train to wake up without alarm clock
This is one of the great ways to improve your subconscious mind.
Choose a day when you feel you were sleeping well to try this exercise.
Before going to sleep in your bed ( or sleeping place ),
* First, relax your body and mind .
* Second, tell yourself that " I will wake up at 8 am (for example) . I don't know why but just I will wake up at 8 am. "
* Repeat to do this every night before you fall a sleep.
While you are repeatedly doing this, you will be able to wake up 8 am or about 10 minutes before or after the time.
Once you could do this, you can wake up anytime you want anywhere without an alarm clock.
This is not just a training to have a good sleep but it's training your subconscious mind.
While we are all sleeping, our subconscious minds are awake and active even when our conscious minds are sleeping.
When you are becoming to be able to awake without alarm clock, your subconscious mind caught it , your voice reached to it.
It shows it can increase your subconscious mind power.
You will awake with great feeling plus your brain power also increase.
It's worth to try it.
7. Play association game
When I was reading a book on a train in Japan, some words reminded me of one of my experiences or someone I knew, or location I've ever been.
and then from those words, I imagined other things which are connected to the first one, like doing association game.
According to a study in Tokyo University, the associations are related to neuron activity , and it makes creativity.
If you train the power of association in your brain, your creativity will improve and it can help to get great ideas for your work project.
According to a study in Tokyo University, the associations are related to neuron activity , and it makes creativity.
If you train the power of association in your brain, your creativity will improve and it can help to get great ideas for your work project.
8. Write a story
Writing any kind of stories or journal, or letters are powerful way to improve both sides of your brains, left side and right side.
By writing a story or something, it activates many parts of your brain and it keeps a healthy brain as well.
In order to write a story or letter or journal or article, you will use your creativity and memory, and also logical thought, and sometimes use math.
Also while writing something, you use your hand and fingers, whether hand writing or typing on a computer and this will activate another part of the brain as well.
9. Power up your emotion and get inspired
In our typical monotonous days, it's easy to get bored if you are just living, doing what you need to do, and easy to lose interests or passion.
Powering up your emotion can pull out the creative part of your brain power.
If you need to get ideas for your creative work, have a lot of interests.
Art, sports, music, books, movies, entertainment, foods, traveling, photographs, etc.. whatever your favorite things which makes you excited .
Having a good romantic relationship is also good for your creativity as well.
10. Compliment others
When we compliment others, our brains are working well and fully.
It's said that if you can compliment others well, which can make others feel happy, it shows you are smart.
When someone gets a compliment, her/his dopamine power increases, and also the person who compliments also feels good to see him/her delighted, so that person also gets his/her dopamine power increased.
Art, sports, music, books, movies, entertainment, foods, traveling, photographs, etc.. whatever your favorite things which makes you excited .
Having a good romantic relationship is also good for your creativity as well.
10. Compliment others
When we compliment others, our brains are working well and fully.
It's said that if you can compliment others well, which can make others feel happy, it shows you are smart.
When someone gets a compliment, her/his dopamine power increases, and also the person who compliments also feels good to see him/her delighted, so that person also gets his/her dopamine power increased.
11. Having curiosity
Your brain is activated when you have passion and curiosity like a child.
When we were children, everyone had curiosity for everything and often ask questions like " what is it ? " , " why ? " for everything new.
This is one of unconditional reactions which is called orienting_ reflex (orienting_response ).
It's an organism's immediate response to a change in its environment, when that change is not sudden enough to elicit the startle reflex.
But when you are getting used to the situation, and know everything, that orienting response disappears.
This is why it's hard to keep curiosity after growing up and becoming adults.
Then how can we keep having curiosity ?
Best way is to not think you know everything and to question to yourself that do you really know everything about this or that and get more deep into it.
Watch every detail of it.
While we have curiosity for whatever we are interested in, new information will be input in our brain and as a result our brain is activating well and fully .
While we have curiosity for whatever we are interested in, new information will be input in our brain and as a result our brain is activating well and fully .