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US Nationals Figure skating Championship will be coming soon !

I'm very excited that US nationals will be just around the corner ! Also, I 'm very scared and nervous to see Johnny Weir skate because I'm really a huge fan of Johnny. I will be really really upset if Evan Lysacek beat Johnny and took the title. Evan is using old program for his FP and Johnny will skate new programs for both SP and FP. Since last season, they both were very busy joining US COI tour , especially Johnny also went to Japanese dream on ice show during the time. He didn't have much time for the training but created two brand new programs. Unlike Johnny, Evan could not create new FP and only for SP. He is good at skating his old FP " Carmen" and was always getting high scores.  Actually, I'm getting really bored to watch his Carmen since last season. Seems like many of skating experts pick Evan to win. I like Evan but I don't think he is a better skater than Johnny.  Actually, can not compared with J

Thank you for your New Year's cards !

Every New Year season, I receive several New year's cards from my close friends and also from my relatives who lives in Japan. I usually send Christmas cards to them in December, and they reply to me as a New Year cards in January. This year also I received several ones, Jun - Thank you for your nice New Year's card. I really enjoyed it with you and your family's picture in it. Your kid " Sho- kun" is so cute ! Thanks for your kind words for our pic ! Kaoru - Thank you for your nice card ! I was really amazed to read you've just moved to CA. You and your husband are always very adventure and always interesting to read all your story. I hope everything will be all right at the end. Silver - Thank you for your interesting letter ! You must be a great chef, I look forward to taste your Curry Udon someday. Lin - chan - Thank you for your interesting picture of your family ! It always fun to see your photos. Murata-san - Thank you for your nice New Year's

Freddie Mercury comes from Neptune ???

I found a funny quote from the Queen interview that made me laugh a lot yesterday. Last week, a British television show interviewed Brian May and Roger Taylor. Here is the quote, British television interviewer : What are some of the differences between Freddie Mercury and Paul Rodgers ? ROGER TAYLOR: Paul is so unlike Freddie in so many ways. He really comes from the Blues , and Freddie comes from........uhh.......... ....... uhh.....................'Neptune'. (laughter) BRIAN MAY: Actually, Freddie probably came from Mercury. ( laughter) ROGER TAYLOR: Yeah. Maybe Mercury. Yeah ( laughter ) BRIAN MAY: Some things about Freddie were always a mystery to me. We never knew what his next idea for a song would be. Because it was always so different. Actually, some of the greatest heavy guitar parts on Queen songs were composed by Freddie. For example " Ogre Battle ". And also the heavy metal part of Bohemian Rhapsody, which he compo

New Year Resolution

When I got on a scale this morning, I was really shocked to see my weight . 51kg !!! It's about 119.5lb !!!  It's too much !  My height is 5' 3 , so this weight sounds normal but I prefer to keep my weight less than average weight. I guess I didn't measure my weight since Christmas and during the time I gain about 4.84lb ! Soon I went to the gym in our apartment subdivision and walked about 30 minutes using walking machine. I was exhausted after finished it.  My body was already spoiled from the US lazy habit. Walking about 1 hour was normal life habit when I was in Japan even though I didn't have to go to the gym because everyone use train for transportation and we needed to walk to get to the station , and also people are walking around everywhere. Beside, I was learning jazz dance twice a week. I decided to lose weight 5 lb within 2 months and always keep that weight. This is one of my New Year resolution. My husband lost

Survey for 2006

This survey is from US Figure skating site and I found this info from Johnny's message board. I thought it's cool but it's better to post my answer on my blog instead of Johnny's message board. Survey for 2006 1) What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? Went to see live COI ( Champions on Ice ) show, built another new business 2) Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Yes, always for my business. Every year I set a goal to reach to my final goal for 5 years later. I love to write down and create my future by myself. because it always works for me. 3) Did anyone close to you give birth? none 4) Did anyone close to you die? Yes, my grand mother passed away in March. I suppose now she must be happy meeting with my mom and my uncle and aunt, her sisters, great grand-pa and grand-ma, and my dear dog over there. 5) What countries did you visit? Unfortunately, I co

Key of success Quote

" Exceeding your personal best. " " There is no competition. There is no enermy. There is only the desire to improve yourself. As you improve, the world improves. " I love this quote. I found this quote in one of my favorite book " Attractor factor " by Joe Vitale. I've just sent this message to my favorite skater Johnny Weir. He will compete in Cup of Russia on November 23, 24. Johnny lost his mind-set at Skate Canada and finished at third place. Since my second favorite skater Stephane Lambiel ( from Switzerland ) made big mistake at his SP, and ranked at 7th place, and Johnny got 2nd position at his SP, he could win the competition. However, Johnny said, since he knew he could win this competition, he felt confidence after the SP and before the FP. Once his FP started, and he made mistake at his first jump which was suppose to be combination jumps ( 3-3 ). Then his quad became triple jump and he made another mistake at

Figure Skating Review - Skate America

Johnny was not in this event. But Ray and I were curious to see some of the other skaters, Evan and Oda for men because they are one of the tough competitors for Johnny . and also for women, we wanted to see Miki Ando and Mao Asada . Ray and I love Miki Ando right now. I was not really interested in her skating until I saw her new program at Campbel's Cup , because I thought her skating is boring but now she looked like totally different person from last Olympic and before.  She lost 10lb since last Olympic and looked really nice. She changed her skating style, learned from great Russian coach who were also teaching Shizuka. I loved Miki's both programs ( SP & LP). She is a beautiful powerful skater. I know she is not as good as Sasha especially for her component but I loved her powerful jumps and straight line foot work. also I loved the way how she uses her hands and fingers. Very graceful. Also love her gorgeous costumes. ( SP & LP ) a