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Showing posts from 2016

At the Zoo - Beautiful day !

We went to Reid Park Zoo Last Tuesday. It was a very beautiful day. We've been to several tourist places in Tucson since we moved here but somehow we had never been to the zoo until now. The last time we saw so many animals was in the Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL and it was about 13 years ago. So we really enjoyed seeing many animals there ! When we first entered the zoo, we saw a beautiful peacock walking around the grounds. There was also Merry Go-round but it was funny that instead of horses, there were Bear, Giraffe, Zebra, bird, etc..   sculptures on the Merry go-round.     Unique Merry go-round.      The zoo was divided into parts, for example, there was the African area, and also South American area. So we first went to the South American area. Gibbon Black colored ape. It was the first time to see this kind of ape, and they look different from any of the...

Is it better to have a period of rebelliousness?

Many kids experience periods of rebelliousness , and many parents suffer from it. The first period of rebelliousness is when little kids reject to do what parents have told them to do , an obstinate attitude. It's also called the " no, no " age . It's the age they say no to everything. The second period of rebelliousness is often the teenage years and it is more difficult because kids have already grown older and learned many things from their environment. They sometimes feel down and depressed and their attitude becomes defiant and aggressive and sometimes even violence to family members or others. Why do the periods of rebelliousness occur ? It's an important period of preparation to be independent, and wake up time to grow up and be one's self. Depending on the kid, it's different. Some kids become very aggressive , some kids become just a little bit rebellious. But if kids don't express their periods of rebelliousness ,...

Full moon !!!

It's full moon today! I took these photos when I was walking around here yesterday ( around 7pm )怀 because the moon was soooo beautiful !!   Full moon time was 2:26 am (MST) on August 18 , so at this time, it was about 7 hours earlier , but  was almost full moon. Full Moon 2:26A(MST)   25Ā° Aquarius 52ā€² Full moon wishes I suppose you may already know about full moon wishes. It's said that if you shake your empty wallet ( purse for money ) to the full moon, and say as if you are already receiving extra income this month and be grateful for it while shaking it, you will receive extra money soon. The wallet has to be empty , taking out all the credit cards , debit card, money, and any other stuff.  Also, avoid to do it during the Void of Course Moon times. For today,  the void of course moon time is below,  18 THU 2:26A (MST ) to 9:34A(MST)  ā€“ Pisces so it's no problem to do full moon wishes in the evening tonight....

ā€The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.ā€ć€€- Albert Einstein怀

Originally we were all creative because all children are creative. While growing up, many children lose their creativity by seeing, reading, hearing what many grown ups do and teach. According to a book called " Goal " by Brian Tracy, "Fully 95% of children tested between the ages of three and five are rated as highly creative. Of the same children tested again as teenagers, only about 5% rated  as highly creative. What happened to them in the interim ?   As they went through school, they were taught that if you want to get along, you follow the crowd. They learned not to question or challenge the teacher or to suggest unusual ideas. In their attempts to be liked and accepted by their peers, they allowed their creativity to die down, like a fire without fuel.  " "All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grows up." 怀ļ¼ 怀Pablo Picasso But if we don't use creativity, we lose it. It means that the more we use cre...

Charm of Kenichi Hagiwara - Shoken

From Japanese Movie " Ame no Amsterdam (Rain in Amsterdam)" I've been into the late 1960s to 1970s generation since several years ago. I don't know why but I'm very interested in older generation's people, trends, lifestyle, scenery, habit, TV drama, music, films, etc..   and not so interested in new things much.  There are many new discoveries through checking out old stuff while reading and watching it, which I didn't know before. and about several months ago, I happened to find a youtube video of  a famous Japanese actor called Kenichi Hagiwara who was my favorite actor in 1970s when I was a kid. His nickname is Shoken and he is also a singer of Rock/blues music.                      Shoken( 18 years old) singing ā€Legend of Emeraldā€ Shoken was one of the super stars in Japan mainly from the late 60s generation to early 80s. When he was 15 years old,   he joined an amateu...