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Showing posts with the label Music

Lady Gaga singing the Sound of Music's songs

I came across this youtube video yesterday and was very surprised to see it !!!  Lady Gaga - The Sound of Music clips, Full Tribute with Julie Andrews [2015 Oscars]      It was showing up on January 2015 but I don't have habit to watch Oscar show, so I didn't know about it.  It's Lady Gaga , singing music of classic movie " the Sound of Music " !!!  It's amazing !!! When she sings her original songs, I was feeling Lady Gaga has unique voice but never knew she can sing classic songs so wonderfully. She is a fantastic singer! I really love it , so watched it several times !  It's so nice to see different part of Lady Gaga , singing the wonderful classic songs. I love the movie so much, so I'm so happy to see it.  Also very surprised to see Julie Andrews in it ! She looks very young and beautifully aging and looks healthy.  I really enjoyed her character and her humor and her singing in the movie.  My husband a

When you almost give up, your wish comes true

                                    photo credit: Crystal Castles via photopin (license) Things seem to always start to go well when we almost give up the things which we were attaching to.  I noticed about that through my experiences a long time ago, when I was still not so into New age information. and it happened not only once but many times in my life.  The most impressive experience was from when I was traveling to Germany.  I was traveling to Europe by myself for about 17 days at that time.  and the first place I stayed was in Berlin in Germany .  I have bad eye sight so I was wearing contact lenses and while staying at a hotel in Berlin, GE, the problem happened in the morning.  When I was trying to put on my contact lenses in front of a sink, looking at a mirror which was above the sink.  I accidentally dropped one of my contact lenses in the sink, or somewhere in the room.  The lens was not in the sink.  I checked all the floor car

Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody No.2" , performed by Tiffany Poon

There are so many great pianists in the world. However when it comes to Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No.2, which is one of my favorite Piano compositions, it was difficult to find a pianist who can play it in a way which filled my satisfaction.   and I've been looking for a great pianist for that piece.  My husband and my taste are often the same so he was also looking for it.  and finally, finally we found a very gifted pianist !  Her name is Tiffany Poon .  She is definitely a genius pianist.      Tiffany Poon - Hungarian Rhapsody No.2     Very expressive and unbelievable talent.  We both feel so great to listen to this performance.  Her performance is very dynamic, with many ups and downs, flowing with emotion based on the music story.  Maybe her way of performance matches with our image of this composition's story ? and matches with our taste ?  And when we watched all her other performances, they are all fantastic, ex

Best 1970s - 1980s Hot Disco/Dance Music

Today I would like to talk about my favorite hot disco music since 1970s - 1980s. ( mainly late 1970s to early 1980s )   There are more of my favorites, such as     Abba's "Lay all your love on me" , "Gimme Gimme Gimme " , " Summer night city " and "Himiko " by Passionata ,    these four are my all time favorite disco songs and I already wrote about them in my past post.     (  ) So in this post, I'm listing only music that I didn't list before.  These are all my favorites & unforgettable disco songs.  Arabesque    I love many of their songs in that generation and my favorites are  * Midnight dancer  * In for a Penny, in for a Pound  * Friday Night  * Fly High Little Butterfly  * Rock Me After Midnight  * Peppermint Jack  Their songs were extremely popular in Japan and in late 1970s to early 1980s,

FBF ( Flash back Friday ) - Memorable song "Jolene" by Olivia Newton John

'Jolene' 1976 by Olivia Newton John  This is another memorable music/song which I really loved.  However I didn't know who was the singer or what title of music until 2 days ago.   When I first listened to this song " Jolene " , I was 13 years old, in the first grade of middle school in 1976.    In the middle school, I was belonging with an Acting club for 3 years in the school 's club activity which all the students needed to join and which was in Friday afternoon, also after class.   It had many kinds of categories, which are indoor and outdoor.  I chose acting club, because I was interested in that but I also admired to belong with tennis club and Kendo club.  However when I joined the trial for all of them, tennis club and Kendo club and also all the other outdoor activities, they required to run marathon for training.  Marathon was one of my most disliked things , so I canceled to join these outdoor sports

Great Music for Autumn

What music do you love to listen to in Autumn season ?  It's cloudy and cool here in Tucson today.  Usually I don't feel much Autumn air here because it's a desert place and usually summer continues until November.  But today, I feel like Autumn came up here.  My favorite music for Autumn are Piano music " Energy Flow " by Ryuichi Sakamoto and also " Longing/Love " by George Winston .  I always listen to these music every autumn season.  Very touching.  Ryuichi Sakamoto 's Energy Flow      This is one of my all time favorite music.  Very beautiful and imaginative.  I would love to see a great artistic figure skater skate to this music someday.  Longing / Love by George Winston from the album Autumn   I love all the music which is in the album "Autumn" .   I picture Forrest whenever I listen to this music.  After the boiling hot summer has gone, it turns to cool autumn air .  I really loved t

Super emotional Oldies music part 1 - "The End of the world " by Skeeter Davis

I really don't remember when and where I first heard this song   "The end of the world by Skeeter Davis" , but I surely knew this song.  While we were watching oldies music on TV, suddenly my old tapes came to my mind which were tapes that were recorded by my friend who was 10 years older than me, when I was around 22 years old.  Fortunately I was keeping the tape until now and soon I found it and the song we have been repeatedly listening to is that song.  When I checked about the song and the singer, it was a big hit in 1963 !  Which happens to be the year when we were born.  We feel this song is like an ocean of emotion, super touching.  There are other singers who also sang the song but we both felt the original singer Skeeter Davis 's singing has the deepest emotion and is very touching.  Honestly, I wasn't listening to the lyrics until recently, I was touched by the melody of this music, because I felt it's so beautiful.  and her sin

1976's one of the biggest hits "S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y Night ! " by Bay City Rollers

Recently we've been into oldies music, especially from 1940s to 1980s music ! Around midnight here, there is an oldies music station on TV and Ray has been enjoying watching it almost every night.  And since a few days ago, some of the music I heard from it has been spinning in my head,  and one of them is Saturday night by Bay City Rollers which was a huge hit in 1976 !   Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night ('76)      It's so great to easily be able to watch an old generation's music and the musicians singing live !    And I appreciate modern high technology which allows this. The Bay City Rollers were a Scottish pop music band who were often wearing checkered design with 1/8 length wide pants on the stage.  They all looked cool and adult at that time but when I watched it now,  I felt they all look so cute and young with young voices.  I only knew 1976 to 1978's members.  Ray ( my husband ) had heard this music on the radio a few