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Showing posts with the label Musicians

Mystery of Charisma

What is your image of “ Charisma ” ? My image of charisma is people who have : * big impact. * it factor * a shining ( star ? ) quality * attractive One day, I noticed that good looking and charisma don’t always come together. Beauty is in the eyes of beholder , but I feel there are people who most everyone would agree they are handsome or beautiful whether or not they fit their taste of beauty or not. I understand many people who are good looking have charisma, but what about people who are considered as average looking and yet have strong charisma?    So I’m interested in what are the qualities that makes some people who are not considered great looking, still have charisma. For example, And this is my view of course, When I was a child, the first time I ever saw photos of the Beatles members,   I thought George Harrison is the most handsome among them. And Paul McCartney had a baby face and cute. No wo

My Review of Styx DVD - “ Styx - with The Contemporary Youth Orchestra of Cleveland “

This concert is very unique and so much fun to watch !  I really love the idea of it . It was performed in May 2006. Styx , veterans of nearly 35 years of performing, joined forces with Cleveland’s Contemporary Youth Orchestra.   Except for the conductor, the Orchestra and Chorus students are all teens, from 13 to 19, and they all look like intelligent bourgeois kids. While watching this DVD concert, Ray and I were both reminded of the movie “ School of Rock “ with Jack Black .  This is like the real life version of School of Rock.  Something hilarious and fun.  These Orchestra students are all very excited and dancing and performing and looked so much having fun.  This is my second time to see a performance which combines a classic rock group with a classical music orchestra.  The other one I saw was the Japanese classic rock group The Alfee , in which they arranged their own music mixture with classical music such as Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Musorgsky, etc..

Organic foods and healthy living “ You are what you eat ? “

We‘ve been enjoying organic foods since a month ago.   Because we care for our health and also organic foods taste more delicious than normal vegetables.   Recently, I really feel the famous quote  “ You are what you eat . “   is true.   Although healthy life comes from balance between mind, body, skin care, good night sleep and activities besides food life .   Health is a treasure.   Also I realized that “ good blood circulation ” is one of the most important key to keep healthy and look young skin.   After being amazed to see Styx’s ageless Tommy Shaw on TV, I started searching about “ secret of youth “.  He looks so much younger than his age.  Also, there was an interview with Styx on CNN in the morning about a week ago and they talked about what they think are the keys to longevity and a healthy life.