People can't be successful if they don't have luck, even though they have enormous talent and abilities and they work hard and have determination.
We all need luck to be successful for our life . Love, wealth, fame, health ,career whatever.
From my experience, I believe luck doesn't just happen.
We make it happen.
Sounds weird ?
I've been researching difference between lucky people and unlucky people since a long time ago. I'm not a religious person but I always care about happiness.
I always thought everyone has to experience tough time in our life. There are good time and bad time in life.
However, I noticed there are people who don't have much difficult experience in their life.
And there are people who have everything they want in their life Love, wealth, health etc..
And I found out the difference.
Here is the list.
* Lucky people often gratitude about things and people, unlucky people often complain about things and people.
* Lucky people are optimist, unlucky people are pessimist.
* Lucky people take quick action , unlucky people think a lot and no action.
* Lucky people are often smiling , unlucky people are often upset.
* Lucky people find someone 's good point and compliment people, unlucky people find someone's bad point and criticize people.
* Lucky people care for whether it is fun or not and does not harm anyone, unlucky people care for right or wrong.
* Lucky people are responsible and independent in their life, unlucky people think they are victim and blame others.
* Lucky people are humble and keep quiet about themselves, unlucky people are arrogant and love to boast themselves.
* Lucky people are interested in positive things, unlucky people are interested in negative things.
* Lucky people have habit to use beautiful positive words, unlucky people have habit to use nasty negative words.
* Lucky people are cheerful, unlucky people are not.
* Lucky people have a lot of love, unlucky people have a lot of hate.